My Own Writer's Block Idea....

Dec 06, 2009 16:50

In Nevil Shute's book On the Beach, ( ), there is a part in the book where, on the American subs return home to the radioactive America, someone jumps ashore in Settle, deciding that he would rather die in his hometown, though suffering the affects of radioactive poisoning, he chooses that being home for this inevitable death is his better choice.
In the position that they were in & returning to your home land, what would you do if you were that man that chose to go back onto American soil to his home that is radioactive & to die the deadly symptoms of radioactivity or even to take the pill that some in the book choose to take instead of suffering the symptoms. What would you do in that position knowing you where going to die & having everyone dead around you? How do you think you will react in that position?

......I will add my answer.....


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