Chicago Con 2009 Day 1

Nov 22, 2009 03:35

Ok, so last time I wanted to post a picture lj wouldn't let me cause well I'm no longer Pro, that'll probably change at some point, but not right now. So I figured I would test since kitsunehi13said she's basic too & she's been posting her Chicago Con 2009 pictures. So I'm gonna post a few right now under a cut, cause I don't wanna kill people's friend areas, so here we goes.

I was only in Pennsylvania & yes I drove from Connecticut to Illinois :P.

Wait a couple of hours I'll look worse :P

Told ya! I'm in Indiana at this point!



Alona Tal, I missed her Q&A cause of the friggin' hotel!!

Down time before Traci's Q&A with kitsunehi13, luvbuzz01, & Diana

luvbuzz01& kitsunehi13went head to head after they took out the girl in the white shirt & it was like they where one brain...till...


nikii, Diana, luvbuzz01, kitsunehi13, & Elizabeth....our crew.

Yes I was Silver :).

And the next batch will be of the Traci Dinwiddies Q&A

chicago con '09

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