it's been like nearly two months since i posted here, like whoa.
um so i am studying fashion at UTS...it did my head in for a while, a long while! a think it's only in the last week or so i feel comfortable saying i'm a fashion student as opposed to an ex-marketer. such is adjusting to the massive change i guess.
UTS is amazing, in my second or third week i met a woman who worked side-by-side with Vivienne Westwood for 20-odd years and developed two diffusion lines for her(!) then i got to ask her questions and look at some of the Westwood couture she brought with her - Absolut Heaven. does it get any better??? the teachers are awesome and while we are only just now getting to do some actual design, it's pretty amazing to be there and i'm learning so much.
i recently got a job in fashion retail which is excellent because i never have worked in this field before and feel it is important to learn this side of the biz. it's with a reputable international company so they are setting me a pretty good example. the staff are nice too, and i'm feeling so much better now that i have a job, a lot more secure (ie. homelessness avoided - yey!)
anyway i could ramble on, but won't (to keep the mystery...oooh!)
i will leave you with photos taken at The Bank celebrating the lovely Danica's birthday - ordered by level of sobriety
Rob & i @ The Bank Hotel
filthy trashbags
Danica & i, passed out on our living room floor