Just by sheer coincidence while reading the age online, I stumbled upon a thing called
delayed sleep phase syndrome. It's a syndrome, mostly genetic (seems to run in families) where people find it hard to go to sleep before about 2am and generally wake up in the late morning or early afternoon. It's distinct from insomnia in that people who have
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Damn, does this sound familiar.
I have an alternate theory, though. In my case, it has to do with the day being a little shorter than my body clock thinks it should be. I cycle through periods of going to sleep later and later until I decide to stay up for about 30 hours, aiming to wake up at about 7 one morning after 12-16 hours sleep. Then the cycle repeats itself. I do not class this as Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome. Rather, I think I am a Martian. The Martian day is approximately 40 minutes longer than the Terran day, and this seems to fit my circumstances rather well.
I was amused to note that many freelance writers have this disorder. It comes as no surprise :)
Actually, that was one of the arguments to suggest that human life began on Mars :)
My relationship with the Sun, as you suggest, is no different from any other relationships of mine.
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