Jan 12, 2009 09:14
Today I sprang from bed as if I were an uncoiled spring. I got barely 4 hours of sleep last night but after moping around all weekend, doing nothing but watching old episodes of The Office, I finally feel like I have boundless energy. I got up, got the baby, fed her her bottle, grabbed a quick shower and slathered myself in body butter and threw on clothes, put on what I know is WAY too much makeup for daytime, but hey, it's NYC! This morning I feel like Superwoman. I can do it all. I can take care of my baby, make my own phone calls, attend my couples' therapy session with aplomb, get my hair straightened, download the new Britney Spears CD, and I'm listening to my workout music, which always fills me with energy. I have no appetite whatsoever. I feel beautiful, gorgeous, ready to face the city and whatever it has to throw at me. So my pager doesn't work. So we're broke. If we had money, I'd probably spend every last penny of it anyway. I feel vain; I need to get a mani/pedi. I would love a spa day. But I have to clean and cook and you know what? I'm down with that. I know this "up" won't last but damn! It's like someone lit a spark under me. God bless bipolar sometimes.