MOTHER FUCKER!!!!! Shit man!!! i had a whole damn paragraph written about me committing suicide and all and this damn thing shut me out!!! fuck! I hate life and all the hypocrits in it!!! damn you all!! mother fuckers!!
wow...God works in mysteryous ways, i just read this quote kimi wrote...
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can,
And the wisdom to know the difference."
The opposite of perfect is human
life is what happens while you're busy making other plans
the best revenge is massive success
wow...thats crazy, i feel so much better now!!! i guess i won't take the extra prozacks after all...gotta go, don't feel like writting
<--his music makes me feel much better...i'm gonna go and get high on MCR
sometimes i wonder what is would feel like to be in a coffin...i guess i'll never find out
but i know one thing..."what about the rest of us?" wont work this time!!
<--pain looks pretty doesn't it!!
<--my poor swiss army knife had to suffer!!
<-- ah! my swiss army knife stained with my type A- blood...sweet! what the heck, lets cut my throat, as if it mattered!!!
<--that hurt, and still does...and for some reason it won't stop bleeding, i'm feeling a bit dizzy i may add...
gotta go...i'm starting to feel sleepy!