Here we go again!!

Aug 14, 2005 21:35

ok we broke up again...
i think that is for good now...
i was holding on to something that i could tell people and show people... i wanted to tell people yeah weve been together a year and a half and have them be like DAMN... i wanted to impress people more than i wanted to keep the relationship together...

it was fun while it lasted though... he was my first love and ill never forget him... i am all he has so i know he'll never forget me. he has no friends and stays with his grandparents...
its hard... when he left tonight i ran after him... lol it was like something out of a love movie.. but when i got to his car i realized how bad he hurts me when were together... 99% of the time im happy but the other 1% im not.. and im not in a big way... Have you ever said something JUST to hurt someone? yeah thats what he does... so i got to his car and instead of saying "I love you dont leave" i say "i have 3 pairs of your socks... do u want them back?" OMG LMAO what an idiot nick! oh well

to cut a long story short... the incident had to do with me thowin a twisler and him getting made... and for this im a bitch, self centered and ignorant... hmmmm.... i never knew that throwing a piece of red roped candy had so much impact ona relationship!

yeah so were done... sad but true... my first real love.. gone... ill get over it though.. i just need to take down the pictures, wash my sheets and comforter and throw out my favourite pair of shorts that were his but i came to love them and they loved me... WAIT A MINUITE.........................HE STILL HAS MY MICHEAL JORDAN SHORTS AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

oh well... i thought id end this post on a positive note!
positive note #1 theres a cute guy at my work called Ryan AWINK AWINK
positive note #2 i can spend more time with my hommies lol
positive note #3 its my senior year at high school
positive note #4 my senior cruise with ALISON this summer as a present to ourselves for GRADUATION

i get over him guys i just need some time and another man to think about
i love all my friends... this will be cake to get over.... i just hope tomorrow i dont get slapped in the face with saliva froma making out couple in the hallway... damn that would suck....
i'll call upon ali if that happens lol

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