Sep 29, 2004 21:30
Ok so ive made up my mind that i love school. seriously, you guys, when you have a crush, it makes going to school everyday worthwhile. seriously. ok anyway, practice tonight was good. we're doing a lyrical routine. yes i love lyrical!!! and we're dancing to the song from oh brother where art thou. you know, i think its called "down to the river to pray". or something like that. but anyway its really pretty and fun to dance to. yay! so....this week is going by SOOOO fast, you guys! i cant believe it. tomorrows already thursday. i love thursdays!!! because there is no practice, and since its a block day my only classes are leadership, study hall, and japanese. yesssssssssssss. sooo excited for homecoming. seriously, you guys.....its in the gym, yeah. SO WHAT?! the student body is sooo spoiled. whenever i ask someone why theyre not going, they always say, "cause its in the gym." oh my god. who cares? its a dance. its gonna be awesome. why WOULDNT you go. plus, if you want winter formal to be in the crystal ballroom, then yeah we're gonna need to make lots $$ from ticket sales from homecoming. EVERYONE GO!!! ok have a good night chirrens.