...in which I feel some of the many Weir-fans and Teyla-fans I know might want to have their voices heard.
My 1st Annual Stargate Universe Poll
This poll is open for everyone, which means I want the opinion of every Stargate fan with an lj-account. So, I need your help: Could you pimp this poll to your friends? I don't care if your friend is a Carson/chair shipper, likes the colorful explosions, or the shiny starships. Everyone means everyone.
It's in three parts: Characters, Episodes, Fanfiction.
Over at berlinghoff79's LJ Poor old Elizabeth's taking a bit of a beating in the popularity stakes and I know there are plenty of Weir fans out there, so if you'd like to put in a vote for her, on you go. *snugs her* Or a vote for anyone. It's a poll, I can't resist them!