Title: Holiday Inn: Storybrooke
Author: Alsike
Pairing: Ruby/Lacey, Lacey/Killian, Emma/Regina, Killian/Milah
Word Count: 14830
Rating: R
Fandom: OUAT
Summary: When Emma and Ruby return to Storybrooke for their brother Killian's big pirate-themed wedding, Emma expects his fiancée to be a gold digger, but she doesn't expect Ruby to fall for the hot bi girl, or for her to take a shine to Ruby in return. Emma makes a plan to catch them in a clinch, and end this wedding before it begins. But Emma has problems of her own, namely a cute little boy and his smoking hot mother. Ruby, on the other hand, is starting to suspect that the problems with this wedding aren't all on Lacey's side. Her dilemma is a nasty one: try and fix things between her brother and Lacey and stay friends with them both, or break them up and lose Killian with only the hope that Lacey will pick her.
With pirates and sushi and blasts from the past, this wedding will be like nothing Storybrooke has ever seen.
Apologies: Welcome to my private Subversive Swan Queen Week celebration, in which I steal all the prompts intended for Emma and Regina and throw them at Ruby and Lacey. This fic really was intended to be a simple walking in on makeouts Awkward Situation fic, but then it exploded. :) And look, there's actually Swan Queen in it! The shock!
Sorry for the crazy OOCness! I really don't watch this show (any show), which is why I'm still writing Red Lace. :)