Pitch Perfect

Jun 08, 2013 23:23

So, can someone explain this movie to me.  I know I read fic before I saw the movie, so my expectations were skewed.  But I tried very hard to stay open minded and see how they were going to pull it off.  But WTF?  Who wrote the romance in this ( Read more... )


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taz_paradigm June 15 2013, 05:49:23 UTC
Ah, Pitch Perfect... I love this movie a lot more than it deserves.

It all started with a random purchase. I had one remaining Christmas gift certificate, and I'd heard about this silly movie that had singing in it, and maybe lesbians (this wasn't conclusive). I decided that I'd buy it as a reward for my decision to never watch Glee ever again. I figured that I'd watch Pitch Perfect when nobody was around, and if it was awful, I'd just never mention it again. There weren't any adorable, snarky, Hispanic lesbians that the hack-ish writers could use to break my heart, so I should be fine either way.

I kind of liked Jesse. Having said that, I didn't think the romance made *any* sense and that the kiss comes from absolutely nowhere... I also think that's it's quite a shame that they didn't decide to actually make a film where the male and female leads end up deciding that they're good as friends (the closest to this that I can remember seeing is actually Constantine...).

But yeah, other than that, Fat Amy is awesomeness, and I reacted with a certain horrified awe when witnessing the puke angel.


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