Title: Sweet Talk 101 (4/4)
Author: Alsike
Fandom: X-Men/Criminal Minds, with a slight Glee (or at least Ryan Murphy) fusion.
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Emma/Sebastian, Emily/JJ, Emma/Emily
Word Count: 5106 (of 18,500)
Apologies: Sorry! This took me forever to get around to filling in the holes, and I didn't proof after I was done, so I'm sorry! But yay
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Comments 10
honestly I had a hard time following Emily's emotions and Emma's reasoning about the porn, Sebastion, and what Emma was doing with the photos of Emily and thinking. I also am not sure who left the photos of Emma in Emily's locker, either Sebastian for some weird reason, JJ would make sense, or was it Emma to test Emily's 'affection' for her? I'm confused.
Great ending though; very "Cruel Intentions" kind of moment in some ways.
Sebastian put the photos in Emily's locker. His intent was to humiliate Emma by making her porn videos public knowledge around the school, and specifically to make Emily disgusted with Emma. He didn't want Emma to win their bet, so he did what he thought would make Emily run away. He thought if Emily knew about the porn videos, then there was no way she would ever let Emma fuck her. Then Emma couldn't win the bet.
I loved the last scene.
Thou I never saw this ending coming (like this), all I can say is that you always surprise me, and I believe that is why you are one of my favorites author...BRAVO!!
By the way, how is your novel comming along?...
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