Again with the no one caring...

May 21, 2010 21:39

Sent my drafts of novel to my first readers, and then decided to spend the next two days making a cover, which is terrible, but amuses me. It has pretty colors, even if half dead markers are the worst things ever for scanning.

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Comments 9

mauders May 22 2010, 16:31:30 UTC
is that a dragon I see...?


nike_ravus May 23 2010, 00:39:59 UTC
What, may I ask, is the point of a novel without *dragons*? ;D


mauders May 23 2010, 08:50:03 UTC
No point at all. I'm very fond of them. Even if they talk.


atrumnoxnoctis May 24 2010, 04:28:17 UTC
Dragons! <3 I'm actually contemplating making an AU fic with Emma Frost as a shape-shifting dragon or something. Not sure if I'll make it into an Emma/Emily fic because when I think about it, I suddenly remember that pairing isn't canon anywhere except in your fics, and then I start to cry at the injustice of it all... T^T They should be canon in any universe!


nike_ravus May 24 2010, 11:31:12 UTC
Um, that sounds AWESOME. And you should totally make it an Emma/Emily fic, because srsly, the XCM world is the best world to AU from. Yay for franchise development!


atrumnoxnoctis May 24 2010, 22:33:02 UTC
Doesn't it though?! X3 It has the potential to be a whole lot of fun!

Now, as I said, I know I want Emma to be a shape-shifting dragon, but I don't know whether to include her telepathic powers or not. Would it be overkill, ya think? I mean, I love strong, powerful characters (they're just so sexy), but maybe in this context of already knowing how to change forms (in more ways than one... >>; ) and with the inclusion of psychic powers, it may prove to be too much.

I still want Emily as a human though since I like the contrast there. A human what is more of the question, however. Princess? Normal, headstrong villager (I'm making this into a sort of medieval fantasy AU, by the way)? Some type of warrior/sorcerer?

Then there's the whole problem of thinking of a plot because this whole fic idea is just too epic to be a PWP. I mean, there's going to be political intrigue (maybe), interspecies warfare (definitely), semi gender-bending sex (oh, God, yes; that shape-shifting ability's far too interesting to leave alone!), which later ( ... )


nike_ravus May 25 2010, 01:37:16 UTC
Yes please bounce away! (This pairing... you really do have to love them for their psychoses) I want to beta! (basically, I want to read it *first ( ... )


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