Title: Pretty Girls Make Graves (aka Loveaholic) 8/8
Author: Alsike
Fandom: X-Men/Criminal Minds x-over
Pairing: Emma Frost/Emily Prentiss
Rating: R
AN/Disclaimer: Not my girls.
Apologies: Don't kill me, please?
Summary: Sometimes the plans you make have a chance to become real. What if what you thought you wanted isn't enough?
Final Part )
Comments 11
I thought that the coda at the end of your ficmix was suitably ambiguous/menacing and made a good ending to the story as a whole. , This section also shed a lot of light on what happened in the earlier parts. I assume that the choice about leaving the 'remains of her family' behind earlier in the series was quite intentional.
I may have to give it another run through, because the story sort of warped as I was telling it. I had this basic outline in by head, but it wasn't working, because Emma was so clearly resistant to being part of a family. There was no way she could even consider it, and I had to figure out why.
The role of the headmaster is sort of ambiguous, but it seemed likely that Emma would have gotten away with it, legally, and probably most people in her area understood why she did it, but no one would ever trust her. Who knew what could make her snap again? And she started to believe that about herself. The headmaster gave her a chance to leave it behind, but he knows, and he'll never quite trust her either. Which, I think, is something she wants.
Yay for menacing! (I don't write happy endings. I don't know why people expect them from me.)
Thank you for sticking with it! And commenting!
But, how does the headmaster know? Different country etc etc. And it's not the kind of thing you'd mention on your job application form. (This is the literal-mindedness again).
There is, of course, that portion on the application that says "have you ever been convicted of a felony?" (Although because she was a minor...)
Now I feel the need to write more backstory! (I was going to go into the headmaster's part, but then gave in to the twist)
No more. Take home exams and city on the river are my plan now.
Such a great story with a definite and well deserved bittersweet and incomplete (in a good way) ending.
Yeah, I want it to feel cut off, not literally, but that all the things that suggest this could be leading somewhere good are gone. I need to give it a rewrite to give it that nice polished punch in the stomach feeling.
Right now, the fanfic doesn't actually seem hopeless - they still actually seem to genuinely like each other.
Anyways, if I cannot look forward to a sequel, good or bad (my dreams are crushed) I will look forward to the rewrite. Great work, regardless.
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