A Progressive proposal to address the "War on Women"

Mar 17, 2012 11:07

I've been thinking much on this manufactured by the Repugnithugs "War on Women" which has been unleashed to distract and confuse Americans during a critical election cycle. This is hitting people close to home because it's obtuse and hateful, much like anyone who willingly votes Republican are also obtuse and hateful.

Then it dawned on me, we need to hit Repugnithugs close to home and go after what they consider dear to their hearts.

Therefore, I propose the following: Immediately draft legislation to have "IN GOD WE TRUST" removed from our currency, and "UNDER GOD" removed from the Pledge of Allegiance.

The motto hasn't always been there. It first appeared in 1864 during the Civil War, then off and on until 1909, when the public demanded it be displayed on American currency again. IN GOD WE TRUST didn't become the official motto of the United States until 1956, which of course was in response to the Cold War. I've posted about the history of the Pledge of Allegiance more than once on this very blog, and I still enjoy pointing out that the original pledge was written by Socialist Francis Bellamy. The pledge has been changed three times since he wrote the original one, and of course we no longer perform the Bellamy salute.

Can't imagine why ...

Just think what would happen if we did pass legislation to remove all the G*d references from our money and school indoctrination? Damn right, their heads would explode. President Obama decided to join them rather than fight them and use their own bullshit against them in this election campaign, why shouldn't the rest of us do the same thing to counteract the bullshit War on Women? Write your progressive congressperson and ask them to support and propose this measure, then sit back and enjoy the hilarity that will most definitely ensue. Nothing like injecting a little chaos into the process, and see what comes of it! As for Republicans losing their heads ... since they're Republicans they never use them anyway.

contraception, progressives, abortion, war on women, democrats, election, republicans, shitty laws

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