Today is that day where a thing happened, now more things are happening

Sep 11, 2010 20:43

While people everywhere on the surface of the planet make damn fools of themselves today acting butthurt and full of care over book burning and which religion is worse (all of 'em), Far below buried inside a collapsed mine 33 men live day by day waiting for help from the surface to rescue them in Chile. Maybe they're better off staying down there.

That's not true at all. They have family and friends on the surface hoping and praying to see their loved ones again, and hopefully they will see them soon.

It's ironic that today these 33 miners are trapped in a collapsed mine, waiting to get out. September 11th is a significant day in the history for Chile, and the United States was even involved, though not in a good way. On September 11, 1973 the democratically elected government of Chile was violently overthrown by the military with the help of the CIA, and openly supported by President Richard Nixon. The successful coup d'état allowed USA backed Pinochet to come to power and rule Chile brutally for 16 years.

Under Pinochet, industry was privatized, many social services were discontinued, and thousands of people were killed, imprisoned and tortured. Disparity in wealth grew incredibly, while American investors did very well with Chilean privatized business. As the price of copper increased, copper mining in the Atacama desert also increased in a race to make as much money as possible. The mine where the 33 miners are trapped was closed down in 2006 and 2007 for numerous safety violations. A mandatory rescue ladder was never installed at the mine. A rescue ladder that would have allowed those 33 men to climb to safety a short 48 hours after the collapse. The company that owns the mine, San Esteban Primera, bribed the right people in the Chilean government and reopened the mine, because getting that copper out of the ground was much more important than following safety regulations.

Before September 11, 1973, important industries like mining were in the public domain in Chile. The company that owns this mine registered US$1m profits for the first 7 months of the year. Now, with the miners trapped and possibly stuck there until Christmas, San Esteban Primera announced recently that they are suffering terrible losses and will probably have to file for bankruptcy. Those 33 men in the mine? Sorry, the company can't even afford to pay their salaries now.

September 11, 1973. The day a democratically elected government was violently overthrown, and a brutal dictator took control with the blessing of the United States government. It seems fitting that the date is now significant for us too, since the buildings destroyed by the planes that day were the symbol of western corporate greed to the world.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going be a good little American, download an electronic copy of the Qu'ran, then put it in the trash and delete it. >:]

(Not really ... I own a copy of the Qu'ran and read it often.)

koran, 911, pinochet, world trade center, tealiban, chile, qu'ran, miners, coup d'état

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