Dear Sarah Palin: STFU Already!

May 13, 2010 17:00

Every single time this woman pretends to care about anyone but herself it's laughable. Hell, every time she opens her mouth the comedy rolls out.

It's doubly laughable when Sarah Barracuda screams about how sexist and politically motivated it is to not allow a girl's basketball team to go to Arizona for a tournament, yet completely ignores the reason the girls can't go is due to the recently legislated mandatory racism that state has now. This is a new problem for schools in this country potentially making the decision whether they can guarantee the safety of their students if a group representing the school were to go to Arizona. Having high school students forced to show proof of citizenship because they went to Arizona is a headache no school district wants or should be required to deal with, yet the school district of Highland Park had to make that tough choice. Safety of the students has to come first, and the girls have to miss out on an opportunity to travel, represent their school, not to mention a learning experience for them.

"District 113 boasts a diverse student population and, as a school district, we believe in equal opportunity for each of our students," she said. "We cannot commit at this time to playing at a venue where some of our students' safety or liberty might be placed at risk because of state immigration law." -- assistant superintendent Sue Hebson

So yeah, play up the fact the poor little underfunded girls basketball team held bake sales to pay for their trip. "GO ROGUE" girls and just go anyway (did you see that shameless book plug there? Disgusting). The Tea Partiers will figure out a way!

Except the basketball team voted to not go to Arizona; even with earning money from bake sales. I have to hand it to the sports community in this country, they've really made an effort to act in solidarity on this issue. Nothing hits deeper than voting with your wallet, and sports brings in money. Hit 'em where it counts.

But thanks Sarah Palin for completely misrepresenting the issue of why the law in Arizona is wrong, now school districts have to consider if it's safe or not to send their students there. Politics have nothing to do with it.

arizona, racism, sarah palin, sports

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