Nov 09, 2010 11:50

 It's not (only) a fangirl-ish post about White Collar, even if I think all is started by it.
I really have to thanks Mr. Eastin for be who he is.
A part White Collar and all the beautiful people I had met thanks to it, and so thanks to Jeff Eastin for created it, I've to thanks him also for all the photos he shares on Twitter.
I repeat, it's not only for the fangirl-ing about White Collar and now I explain.
Some weeks ago, Mr. Eastin posted a pic about White Collar's cast and crew. I joked about the fact I'd love to be one of the writers XD but talked with... Holly or Claire, I don't remember now, I had listed all the reasons because this thing in particular is pretty impossible (and my not perfect English is not even the first problem XD).
After that I started to think because I couldn't be a writer anyway, here in Italy.
And I found this school of cinema so near my place that I was shocked, more because the prices are really low (considering the usual).
So, for a week I thought I hadn't chance anyway, but Saturday I did the enrollment for the Screenwriting class and I found out with that I could attend the History of the Cinema class. *_____*
Saturday was even the History of the Cinema first lesson, and yesterday the Screenwriting one. 
HotC is interesting, are things I don't know and probably I would never interesting in by myself, but not bad at all. *__*
Instead Screenwriting is... 
How could I explain? Maybe like I said yesterday to ioio10: three hours and six people around a table talking about scripts and stories and how sadistic writers are, mixed with writing stories and comment on them. 
In one word: exciting. *________*
I love it very much! *________*
And so, I return to the begin: thank you very much to Jeff Eastin!
I always love the cinema and how is behind it, but I don't know if I had think to attending this class if I hadn't watch those beautiful pics.

cinema, real person, real life, white collar, tv shows, twitter, i=cassandra, great men, english post, fangirling, jeff eastin

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