Two pounds, seven ounces :) (She had a better day today too!)
I'm worried sick, which is normal because all parents worry about their children. I can't stop thinking about how just as we were getting a good sleep the nurses came in and told us that something was wrong with Jake. I think about that over and over as Regina is in the NICU. When I went on-line to search for stories about other preemies her age, I end up stumbling upon links that are about babies that died.
Also, I'm screwing up on pumping, and afraid my supply will fall (I met a woman whose supply fell, then she lost her child). I'm not being rational and all I want to do is sleep for a day, but I cant because I have to make sure she's okay and have to do 100000000000 other things. When I'm not able to see her (because living 50 miles away means you cant stay in a place designated for parents who are caring for sick children) I'll worry even more. There's support groups but I'll be gone and doubt that I will be able to make it to any of them.
Oh, making plans always seems to fail in some way. I want my camera battery to be charged so I can take pictures of my little angel (can't call her that, because angel could mean dead or something) Regina. So so so tired and considering just not pumping until I feel like it.
Oh! And money. I need to work even if that means taking a 20 minute break every two hours. People would get sick of that fast.