Ivy league? No, just a crappy A&M school.

Dec 20, 2007 16:42

Ok, the prices aren't as bad as ivy league, but...

Three Peat Fee.........................$300.00
Tuition Undergraduate Resident.........$150.00
Designated Tuition Resident UG.........$138.00
Designated Tuition Flex RUG............$105.00
Student Service Fee UG.................$45.39
Student Endowment Schol UG.............$3.00
Student Center Fee UG..................$45.00
Recreation Sports Fee UG...............$30.00
Records Maintenance UG.................$5.00
Library Use Fee UG.....................$16.50
International Education UG.............$1.00
ID Card Services Fee UG................$7.50
Health Services Fee UG.................$21.00
Energy Fee UG...........................$6.00
Computer Processing Fee UG.............$21.00
Athletic Fee UG........................$37.80
Academic Advising Fee UG...............$25.00
Term Balance: $957.19

Now albeit, the three peat fee is my own fault for having dropped the course several times before because of emotional issues and a lack of resolve, but $650 for 1 class?! What happened to our tuition of $450 a class? And Tuition resident/flex? I'm going to have to look these up (should have paid more attention when these were being argued). Regardless, there goes another $200 I'm going to have to find. That private loan is looking better and better :/.
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