Jul 24, 2007 14:53
I have to say, job hunting is probably the most demeaning feeling ever.
I think most of it is in my head, but I can't help but look at my resume and think that it doesn't say half of what I am, but I can't fit any more into it without it getting weighty and overly large. In addition, I guess I haven't paid to much attention to my looks or attire over the last few years. So now I'm going "Oh shit" whenever I see "professional appearance" on the job description. Between the decided lack of dress work clothes and the mid back hair, I feel like half the applications I fail on this premise alone. Finally, the whole process (seeing as how I've only had two jobs my whole life) seems overwhelming to say the least. I'm just short of being qualified for my field, I'm overqualified for most day slave jobs, and the rest I don't seem to meet the qualifications for. Bleh! Bleh I say! Regardless, I'll probably be going to frost bank to apply for a good position they have there (full time to boot!), probably put in an application for APAC (though after reading up on them through the web, I'm not exactly sure if I want to sell my soul that badly yet), along with a few bussing positions, and another call center position.
Anyways, almost got the resume done. Then it's just making sure I get everything where it needs to be in the next few days (not to mention pray that I can fit into my old dress clothes somehow...)