Aug 05, 2004 18:27
I can't get pictures to work && its been pissing me off. This week has been insanely busy, but insanely fun. Soccer camp is a scream fest sometimes, && others its a laugh fest. We ate lunch with the boys today. Gotta love them soccer boys. EVEN if they smell. Spent the night watching movies with Garr&Cal last night. Ky was too scared. Garr & Me shit ourselves. It was mucho fun though. I laugh so much around them. I loveee it. EXCEPT. I swear like a SAILOR around them. We just bring it out in eachother. Just like the horny/flirtyness. We're just CRAZY! Im going to miss garrett SOO much when he leaves tomorrow. whatEVER will i do! soccer tourny this weekend might keep me busy. && but missing players once again. ickk. hopefully we'll pull it out. && hopefully we're all hanging out tomoro before the game. I love those girls so much. they make me feel so.lovely.