Dec 14, 2005 13:56
Yea! Went on my first blue run yesterday. Even went over a few small moguls. Only fell a couple of times, and they were more like sittings really. Such an amazing day that it almost made me forget how trapped I feel in the place I'm living. Still seem to be caught in the middle of myself... Almost lost it when I was on dish duty ALONE with a broken dishwasher and no music at 7 AM this morn. And I hadn't even had my earl grey. That is my personal hell. And if people like my "Christian" boss are going to heaven then I'd much rather be in hell. Blah! HATE feeling like this. I try so hard to be happy...
Ah, but the slopes! And how scary and exciting and ALIVE they are. Sometimes in the middle of a run the fear will catch up with me and I have to stop. Then my knees shake and I wonder what the hell I am doing on a mountain in the snow with planks on my feet. But then I just let myself go again and feel the wind and snow hit my face and remember what it takes to feel these things.
(Amy, I'm so glad I got to talk to you! It made me want to quit and go see you and have some adventures. Hope everything works out with the job. I know you probably blew them away with the interview. Much love bama way.)