Days of Vacation

Aug 31, 2009 16:11

Originally published at Nika Dixon. You can comment here or there.

What to do when you have two weeks of internet free time at the cottage? Swim? Canoe? Relax on the deck with a good book? Heck no… you do edits on your latest novel because your book made it to the finals in a contest. ^_^

Well, I suppose it could have been worse.

It could have been raining.

True Deceit, my second novel, is a finalist in the 2009 Toronto Romance Writers Golden Opportunity Contest!  Can I get a hell-yeah? Out of roughly forty entries in the Romantic Suspense category it is one of the top 3 works chosen to be presented to the final round judge - Megan McKeever from Pocket. To say I was excited is a bit of an understatement. Thank the gods, fairies, and patron saints of writers I had my laptop with me. I spent 3 days editing, revising, modifying according to judges comments. Then another day to revise the synopsis. Then I had to drive 20 minutes to down to access free WiFi so I could submit the revisions by the deadline.

Talk about sacrifice for your art!  I’ll definitely keep you posted on how it all works out!

- Nika


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