Всем привет!
Книжный четверг с вами.
И у нас сегодня о блоге.
Посмотрела, какие посты самые читаемые за год.
Не удивилась.
Да, все, что касается ЗОЖ и оценки тренированности уже несколько лет на первом месте. Это важно и меня очень радует, что людям это интересно.
Второе место - все, что касается рисования. Да, я и сама часто ищу в интернете информацию, что рисовать или как рисовать, так что это тоже очень предсказуемо.
И вот третье место, что меня уже немного удивило - это все, что касается Четвертого пути, Гурджиева и Бертона с его сектой "Содружество друзей". Не верите мне, то вот, что
пишут сами американцы об этом и под катом из этой статьи цитата. Второе место в списке между прочим.
Так вот, это тоже в моем блоге очень популярные записи. Так уж вышло.
По мне так - пусть делают, что хотят ,только вот люди должны знать ,к чему это ведет. и главное - пусть законы не нарушают.
Robert Burton was an elementary school teacher who sought enlightenment through the Quakers and philosophy when he became enamored of the Fourth Way teachings of early 20th-century Russian mystics George Gurdjieff and Peter Ouspensky. The Fourth Way states that most human beings are spiritually asleep and can only regain true consciousness through a process of self-remembering and refraining from expressing negative emotions.
In 1970, Burton began to attract a group of followers, identifying himself as a “man No.5,” a being with a higher level of emotions and knowledge than most people. His group was incorporated in 1971 as a religious organization called the Fellowship of Friends. They purchased property in California’s Yuba County to establish a winery.
This property was home to many members of the church, although there were smaller centers across the US, Europe, and Latin America. The cult is supported by tithes from members as well as donations of fine artwork, which supposedly assist in the process of self-remembering.
Burton is known as “the Teacher” and has strict rules of behavior, including bans on swimming, joking, and smoking. In one 1981 interview, he was asked if he was Jesus Christ. Burton replied, “
Thou sayest it,” which is what Jesus told Pontius Pilate when asked if he was King of the Jews.
Burton taught his followers that the community would serve as an ark protecting his flock from a cataclysm that would consume outsiders. He has claimed to be an angel in human form who communicates with 44 other angels, including Benjamin Franklin and Jesus Christ.
Despite banning homosexuality in the community until 1994, Burton sexually preyed on young male members of his flock. According to claims in a 1997 lawsuit: “Burton spoke openly about his sexuality in the form of jokes at all-male dinners. [ . . . ] He would boast that ‘
100 boys would not be enough [for my sexual appetite].’ ”
The cult’s Renaissance winery and vineyards have produced
award-winning wines. They were once served to Ronald Reagan and at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel’s restaurant in San Francisco. However, their religious history has made it difficult to promote these wines and has led to tax disputes with county officials.
In 2012, some cult locations were raided by the DEA on suspicions that cult members were
selling marijuana and using the proceeds to help the church, which the Fellowship of Friends strongly denied.