Boy Gaga and Wonder Wine

Aug 16, 2009 02:22

Not much time to write much today (need to get ready for con + pack suitcase + do homework in less than an hour), so these are just the highlights:

- Jin proudly exclaimed that he is "Boy Gaga" (pun on Lady Gaga). Unfortunately, nearly no one in the audience got the pun. Not even Koki.
(I'm guessing they met her recently? Judging from the monomane Jin did.)

- Kame sang "Wine de, wine de, wine de" on the tune of "I wonder, wonder, wonder" when he went up stage to do the comedy skit. Judging from the eardeafening screams coming from the audience, I'm guessing there are still Akame fans left in the world.
Kame, don't sing Jin's song when both of you are trying so hard to prove that AKAME. DOES. NOT. EXIST. ANYMORE. DAMNIT. Oh, and by the way: Jin, don't angrily/jealously glare at Koki right after Kame held his waist for a couple of minutes and whispered something (naughty?) in his ear.
Jin, we all definitely know by now that you're "for the laydies" (yes, that's an intentional typo), and although one might sometimes be confused about it, Kame is not a girl. So please make up your mind, ne. (It's tough to witness that Kame is doing fine without you, ne?)

- Don't tell Koki he's kawaii when he's on stage. He'll forget everything he has rehearsed and start giggling like an embarrassed schoolgirl. Which is really cute. Oh nuts, I wasn't supposed to say that. =D

- Jin forgot his lyrics. Kame was pissed. Nothing new here.

- Kame was actually in a bad mood throughout the entire con. Nothing new here as well. XD

- At some point, this author was thinking the same thing as KAT-TUN most likely did (judging from their attitude and expressions): "When is the concert over?"
Seriously, in comparison to the Sendai con, the Saturday afternoon con at Niigata was plain routine. For KAT-TUN as well as for this author.
Everything rushed, some parts skipped, no fun whatsoever, ... Like I said, routine.
The evening con was better though, but it still wasn't comparable to the vibes of awesomeness KAT-TUN had at Sendai.
I'm telling you, if you plan on going to their concert tour next year, make sure to go to one of the first concerts. Because by the looks of it, the later the cons get, the more "work and no play" KAT-TUN gets. But really, who can blame them?

- According to Ueda, everyone in Niigata is an idiot. Even Koki was at a loss for words.

- I think I've gotten permanent ear damage from yesterday evening's con. I was in the Arena B block, and I never thought I'd say this but, at a certain point, the music was just too loud. I even saw some people with their fingers in their ears, rofl. You obviously got used to it after awhile, but at the beginning of the con, it was like "wow!". XD

- The concert only lasted for 2 hours and 15 minutes. Precisely on time, one routine encore, parts skipped.
Like I said, "when is the concert over?" thought flooded my mind after the short "work and no play" MC.
(I'm not talking about the Saturday evening con here)

Ermm.. I must've forgotten other "important" stuff, but I really need to get ready now.

Today my very last concert for this year. And I don't feel like going. O.o
I'm guessing it's because I'm having mixed feelings about leaving Japan.
Last concert = no more live KAT-TUN until Spring 2010.
Last concert = only 2 more days in Japan.
Last concert = still no frisbee caught or signed poster won. (Jin's handshake did make up for this though)
Last concert = within a few hours rushing to get back to Tokyo, doing homework on the way there, arrive at midnight, wake up at 5 am, start cleaning and packing bags, going to school, getting back "home" and doing some more cleaning and packing bags
Last concert = byebye private-gay-peep-show-KoKame, handshake-Jin, hanging-over-cart-and-holding-eyecontact-Kame, cute-and-shy-gangsta-Koki, why-did-you-become-so-arrogant-Ueda, avoiding-foreigners-Maru, sorry-no-thoughts-about-you-Junno.
Last concert = byebye KAT-TUN
Last concert = byebye Japan
Last concert = ... *cries*

I don't wanna cry alone go back to Belgium!! I DO want to go back to my parents though. Hmmm...

Okay, 'nuff whining. Time to get ready. Only half an hour left. F*ck. (Jin still loves this word, btw)

niigata, break the records, kat-tun, i-always-forget-my-own-tag-system

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