Courses and confusion...

Aug 20, 2005 23:22

The sunset today was rather chilly - not much cloud about, and a bit windy. But nice, anyway; all the clouds that there were seemed to be in the west, so they were lit up and coloured rather nicely by the setting sun. Veeery pretty.

Worked my penultimate shift of death today - I'll be glad when I have no more of those to do! And, if all goes to plan, in a week's time I'll have done my last S's shift, possibly EVER... Sad, in a way, but we've all got to move on, don't we...

Also, think I've finally decided which courses I'm going to be taking in Leiden next trimester, after they emailed us yesterday and confused us by tweaking with the precise courses they were going to be offering. Yay!

Will have fairly chilled Wednesdays (1-3), but busy Mondays (11-5), Tuesdays (11-3) and Thursdays (11-5) :S. But Nothing on Fridays, which is goooooood, and I'll also get the week beginning 24th October off, which will be not any less good!

Having done all the hard thinking re. the courses I'd take, I now need to actually register; though that doesn't happen till Monday. Should go ok though, I hope!

And now, I'm in desperate need of catching up on sleep... Ah, hopefully a lie-in tomorrow...

N x

leiden, sunset, s's

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