another 'since the last entry' update...

Jan 09, 2006 16:34

Well, what do you know... I suppose it's what this thing is about, but unfortunately it apprears that I've become rather addicted to the 'here's what's happened since the last entry' style of LJing, interspersed at random intervals with various meme-like things. But here we go anyway.

The last few days have primarily involved not being able to sleep for whatever reason, playing Civ III [Conquests], and attempting to do work. Not necessarily in that order. Oh, and random hanging out with Nat/Wei/Katrin, when any of the aforementioned are around [unfortunately, not quite as often as I'd like - but that may've something to do with the fact I only started going to the library yesterday. Though on the other hand, I'M AT THE LIBRARY, which in itself is quite an achievement...] . And, in the case of last night, watching a fairly good film ("Primary Colo[u]rs", for anyone that may've heard of it) on BBC2, about an election campaign advisor person and general politics/idealism/whatever - stuff that I find quite enjoyable. Doubt many other people would, though.

I have, thankfully, managed to get a deadline extension for my Political & Legal Philosophy paper due to my illness over Christmas/stupidity in thinking it was due on the Sunday when it was the fact due on the Saturday - the tutor is, after all, originally from Oxford and therefore his idea of 'end of 1st week of January' was equally Oxonian. Oh well...

When not having ' writers' block ' [if such a thing in fact exists for essays - I fear it may well be sheer laziness...] for the paper - or rather while having it, since it's still in progress (I'm going to try giving it a go again after I'm done with LJ...) - I've been doing the reading for my China and Africa classes. This week, both of them involved more 'historical context of the legal system' of the respective country/continent, which I like quite a lot - and I got to read about Confucius and about the role of traditional African chiefs in dispute settlement, which were both rather interesing.

My reading for this weeks' classes WOULD have been done, therefore, had I not somewhat crazily decided this morning that I would in fact do the "Introduction to EC Competition Law" course. The first class for which is on Thursday evening, and the reading some 86 pages... Guess at least I'll have something to occupy myself with over the next few days should writers' block [or whatever it is] re-emerge...

Will try to keep y'all posted, in the meantime. Though how many people actually read this, I'm not sure - my LJ friends count has in fact decreaced since the last time I checked it, while other people's seems to be going up. Oh well...

N x

food, ldc, lga, katrin, work, phil paper, comp law, civ, films, lj account, library

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