Crazy few days...

Aug 16, 2005 13:37

Quite a lot's happened in the couple of days since the last entry; can't really think of where to begin, but I guess the most logical place would be at the beginning... so, here goes, in chronological order:

Sunday - Spent the day in Plymouth, as announced in the last entry (was also joined, albeit briefly, by Elliot, another lawyer-no-longer-in-my-year) - played Crazy Golf, which was much much fun, despite the fact that I came 3rd the first time and 4th the second - damn the crazy windmill, which made me waste about 5 shots... :s Then went on a mini boat-trip with H&A, up to Saltash, so passed the Devonport dockyard - saw the ships & nuclear submarines stationed there, including some frigates and an aircraft carrier :D. It kinda made me realise the falcity of my journal name (in my defence, I only used it 'by default' since I couldn't think of anything more original), since I felt quite proud of the whole thing, rightly or wrongly, and it seemed ridiculous to consider myself Russian (what, with a Navy which is falling apart and all...)

Anyway, that was that - as I said, much fun. Problem was, the rest of both Saturday and Sunday were rather taken up with playing Civ3 - where I'm progressing rather well at Warlord level :P. Or, rather, was progressing - I've just uninstalled Conquests, and am about to start uninstalling Civ3 itself: they take up too much space on my hard drive (had something ridiculous like 250 Mb left on my 20Gb hard drive - tiny, I know, but the laptop is like 2 years old now... and there's about 7Gb of music on it!), not to mention too much of my time, which I've again come to realise is in very short supply. Two weeks tomorrow that I leave for Holland; and I have so much to do!!!

So that's that. Yesterday, however, was by far the most eventful - I had a shift at work, which was quite bearable (only 4 hours!), and then went to a 'reunion' of sorts for the Youth Forum, the group which I was involved in - sort of - back in the day. That is, about 3-4 years ago. It was ok, but since I didn't really know anyone there all that well to begin with (I wasn't THAT involved in it, I've now realised), I think time could've been spent better. Was then going to go out in Truro, but a certain 'friend' from work (who lives in Truro) forgot to ask his parents if I could stay over or not, and they'd gone out and hadn't come back by the time he left his house (and, apparently, he had no way of contacting them...). So, I didn't have anywhere to stay, and given that by then I'd come back to Redruth anyway (since I had to walk the dog/feed the cats/eat, etc), I just ended up staying in. The transport connections in Cornwall are pretty dire for going out - there's no trains or buses after about 11. So it would've been impossible for me to come back. Grr at this certain friend. But oh well.

That's about it - but, admittedly, this is a lot more eventful than I thought my couple of days without mother were going to be. Am also arranging to meet with some friends I've not seen for a while... Will report as&when/if it happens...

Oh, and I've also realised I've spent about a fiver in texts since Friday, which is pretty shocking. But, given my position away from human contact/civilisation, as well as the absence of both H(S) and JS from the country, this isn't too surprising really, either.

Right, rant over. May do something productive now... just can't think of where to start...

N x

monday night out, computer, travels, civ, h&a

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