Oct 20, 2005 23:02
Well, it would appear that our accommodation issue will be sorted before too long - and perhaps even without my having to fork out E1130 which the DUWO company was originally asking for. We (Nat & I - the other two are not actually moving out with us) went to see them today, and they were really reasonable - they're going to let us have the keys tomorrow, once we bring our passports with us to have them photocopied. So move's going to be happening over the weekend, while Nat's mum is visiting!
In other news... well, there aren't any, really! Have been completely useless for the last few days (NB: lack of LJ entries for a day is probs sign of busy-ness... for more than 1 day - depression/extreme happiness [well, the gap in September was more latter than former...]) - was late to every single academic appointment in the last 2 days (tutes/lectures) - though it didn't really matter, as most Dutch people are pretty laid-back about their timekeeping, what with the 'Dutch 15 minutes' and all...
Talking fairly regularly to mother on the phone, which is good... Even better, she calls me :) She offered to pay for me to go back home earlier (i.e., tomorrow) but I had to turn it down due to move etc...
Food tonight was a nice change from the spicy chicken I've had for the last 2 days, having cooked it on Tuesday I had 500 grams of chicken which was out of date and no-one wanted to have, but it's actually not gone off or anything! I cooked it all on Tues, and had some more yesterday - but didn't finish it, so actually may have some for lunch/dinner tomorrow... However, thanks to Nat for lovely meal this evening - all the 3 courses (well, once you count cheese+port, and coffee - how more Oxford can you get?!)
All in all, feeling much better now. Just have to sort things out in my head a bit more, and it'll all be good - hopefully!
Also - yay! No class next week! As though we were working so hard...
N x