Well, thanks to everyone who commented on my last post- I'm glad I'm not seen as a big whingy baby! I've filled in the appeal form and I'll post it in a minute- I promise! Anyhow, so I'm not just posting about complainy stuff (Ow! My arm is sore, I can't make toy soldiers today!) here's what I'm currently thinking...
Yesterday, Dragal turned up with a copy of
Dr Grordbort's Contrapulatronic Dingus Directory, a faux-victorian catalogue of steampunkesque ray-guns. And jolly good it is too. Now, these contraptions are availiable
to buy, but even if I wasn't worried about my cash-flow at the moment, there's NO WAY IN HELL I'd drop 350 notes on a model ray-gun.
So the obvious answer is to make my own! Alas, common sense has reared it's bland moon-face into the purple clouds of my plans, and forces me to ask this... In the current climate of 'street weapons' and 'mandatory prison sentence' hysteria, is carrying prop ray-guns A BAD IDEA? What's the consesus view about it? Any ideas? I'd hate to spend months carving an exquisite walnut-wood stock for a Martian-mangler just to get shot down by an Armed-Response Unit- after all, I can get the same effect with a chair-leg in a plastic bag...