Jul 07, 2005 13:26
Stereo is installed. Hell fucking yeah. Followed Mo up to Oxnard to Soundz Good Stereo and they hooked me up. He paid for installation. I just had to pay for the parts. He also bought Ellyn and I lunch. Sweet guy. Asked us if we wanted to go to some bar or somethign with him and his friends, so yeah I think he was mistaken about our age, or maybe not. I dont know. Lost a hubcap on the way home. Lovely. Also realized that I get really bitter and impatient when I have energy drinks. lmfao
Took my car over to show my dad, then hung with amanda for awhile. Came home and ate while watching Friends, then we went to Walmart to get my camera developed but yeah they stop processing film at 8 pm. We had an adventure and got some really funny pics. WATERMELON ROCKS!!!! hahaha yeah, then we realized it was 10 oclock and I had to go pick up my bro and his posse from Magic mountain. Drove them home, then went by my dads ranch to pick up my steering wheel cover and fuzzy dice, oh and my cell phone holder. need some duct tape to attach it to my dash again. lmao. Were gonna go back to chill with amanda when we realized that we could seriously fall asleep if we sat down and watched tv or a movie.
This morning was awoken by pounding and doorbell ringing. WTF!!! Was so pissed. Mom and Brad thought it would be cool to ignore the noise of someone trying to wake us up so I had to get up. Fucked up. lol we are teenagers we need our sleep dammit. haha anyways, the alarm went off an hour later. Ellyn packed and stuff while we watched Dawsons Creek. Tried to wake my mom so she could say Bye but yeah no answer, knocked three times and called but nothing, so yeah.... took ellyn to the train station and waited for the train to come. Heard about the lovely terrorist attack in London. Comforting. Very comforting. lol. Said goodbuye and came home to clean up and sit here, waiting to go to work. Fun shit.
The shit going on with SOMEONE is completely uncalled for and royally screwed up. SOMEONE needs to get it in the ass by a long pointy object. Have no clue what the hell crawled up SOMEONES ass, but yeah it needs to be killed cuz its complete bull. I didnt do shit and of course I get blamed as well and yeah.... BITTER TOWN!!! Said some really screwed up shit to my bestest friend and I wish SOMEONE hadnt said anything. wasnt necessary and not SOMEONES place. *shakes head* Someone else lied twice too, not something I ever expected. EVER. But yes. So turns out people are NEVER as innocent as they appear. Remember that. Yeah...so thats that. I need a punching bag really bad.
In other news....
Saing goodbye sucks. Have had to do it too much recently. Weird cuz once I started having a problem with it, I have been forced to do it more and more. BLOWS big time. Weird how you can miss someone right after you walk away from them or lose sight of them. Is that odd? I dont know. But yes it sucks. Saying goodbye leaves an emptiness that I hate beyond belief.
Yeah so thats all. hah. LATER!!