Sep 02, 2003 16:14
001. What is your name? Sandra (Sandy)
002. Spell your name backwards: Ardnas (Ydnas)
003. Date of birth: 10 May 1985
004. Male or female? Female
005. Astrological sign: Taurus
006. Nicknames: Sandy, Sanders, Sannderson, Nijuunichan, 22
007. Occupation? Bludger >_>;;
008. Height: 5'10"
009. Build: Urr well, trhats rude to ask -scratches-
010. Hair color: Dark blonde hair down my back half way or so
011. Eye color: Blue and sometimes you can see brown and green in them depending.
012. Where were you born? In a hospital but i think you mean where as in the place so Banksfield Hospital in Sydney.
013. Where do you reside now? o.o; Whats reside mean -tis stupid-
014. Age: 18
015. Screen names: Urr, lets see. Main ones are, Nijuunichan, Bounty_Hunter_Kaii, Persocom_Shika, Kouji_Stalker and Kouichi_Stalker.
016. E-mail addy: I do not give out my e-mails to strangers, i have gotten too manyt of those people who add you.. and.. and try and get you to click a link... and its about porn... so <^> You bastards!
017. What does your screen name stand for? Nijuunichan means Miss 22 and if i got Nijuunigou meaning Number 22.
018. What is your LJ name? Nijuunigou
019. What does your diary name stand for? Number 22.
020. Pets: I got a dog named Ginger and a retarded bird named Birdy O.o; Who can speak.
021. Number of candles you blew out on your last birthday cake? I did not have cake, i went to he casino and got staired at by an fat, ugly pregant ho!
022. Piercings? Ears
023. Tattoos? NEVER!
024. Shoe size: Size 9 or 10
025. Righty or lefty? Righty n.n;
026. Wearing: Urr, pair of long pants and a blue shirt with has "00" on the front
027. Hearing: Music (Weeser - Island In the Sun)
028. Feeling: I am feeling kinda upset right now -stabs who is making her upset, they know who they are-
029. Eating/drinking: I had an orange, a few earlier since i am on a diet so no fatty shit.
~Friends Stuff~
Which one of your friends is the....
030. Craziest? Jules, she is always doing something insain and making me embarrised.
031. Loudest? Loudest.. Sam proboly, she had a big mouth
032. Nicest? Well he is from america but Matt ^.^!
033. Bitchiest? Me o_o
034. Life of the party? Hmm, none of my friends, they are lame o_o
035. Jock? Jock?
036. Prep? Prep? What are you on about o_o;
037. Rebel? Hmm, i dunno maybe Sam since she is a strong person, like my other friends.
038. Cutest? Of cource i am gonna say me, god damn it >_>;
039. Best friend of the same sex? Jules ^_^;
040. Best friend of the opposite sex? I do not have a best frined of the oppisite sex.
041. Most popular? =^.^= Not anyone i know
042. Rudest? Me -hand up-
043. Most shy? Alicia
044. Dumbest? Just so Jules does not feel left out -sighs and types- Jul... nah, no one is stupid, we all have knowledge on something no one else has so it does not make us stupid.
045. Smartest? Alicia
046. Weirdest? Jules and Sam, they have weirdo lesbian sex rp's and it freaks me out.
047. Has the best hair? Hmm, i liked Jules hair, it kinda sticks out >_>;; But i like my own as its soft.
048. Best personality? Best personality? Huh! Never found their colliding personlities an issue nor did i notice which was best out of the lot.
049. Most talented? Alicia
050. Most ghetto? o_O;; None of them o_o; They are not that deprived
051. Most spoiled? Ok, Jules put me as spoilt. NO YOU WHORE =D I am not spoilt on the other hand you are so Jules.
052. Drama queen? Me or Jules
053. Pain in the ass? Kiera! >._>; Useless nothings! -shakes fist-
056. Druggie? XD Urr, Druggie huh, does my brother count? O.o;
057. Most likely to join a cult? Jules cause she is that kinda girl to do something like that then try and drag me into it and then i would punch her =D
058. Have you lost touch with a good friend recently? No
059. Person you've been friends with the longest? Jules, been around like 8 years now o.o Thats a long time to be around someone and get chosen for a job interview at the same place!
060. How many friends do you have on your buddy list? Hmm, i have a lot, let me see -flips over- 88 ^.^;
~Guys/Love/Kissing/And Other Stuff~
061. Have you ever been in love? I guess so but not anymore.
062. How many people have you told: I am a shy person, i tell selected few people who always seem to blur it out -eyes Jules-
063. How many people have you been in love with? 2
064. How many people have you kissed? =D Keep your lips away from mine
065. Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex? Ok. Let me say this. If someone in the same sex as me, came to expect a kiss from me, all they would get is my knuckles in their face!
066. How many people have you dated? hmm, one.
067. What do you look for in a girl/guy? I dunno, i guess, someone who, acknowledges your existance and makes you feel like, no one else is as important as yourself. Thats why, i have not dated much as a lot of people, take women for granted just for sex.
068. What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? Eyes ^_^ and their personlity, if they can make me happy, i like them.
069. What type of girl/guy do you usually go for? I have not gone for any really, but the last one did lie a lot so i hate that.
070. Do you have a gf/bf? No
071. If so where did you meet them? previous one.. on chat
072. What do you like most about your gf/bf? Do not have one
073. Do you have a crush right now? =-smiles slightly- I do yet he is out of reach.
074. If so who is it? He knows who he is, he knows i like him a lot.
075. Do you believe in love at first sight? It takes time to know someone, so not really, i have not experianced so thats just plain fucked up.
076. Do you remember your first love? I rather forget O.o;
077. Who is the first person you kissed? This is an easy one, no one o_o;
078. Do you believe in fate? Fate eh? Not really. I am not a big beleaver in things sometimes like this.
079. Do you believe in soul mates? I guess so, it makes sence.
080. If so do you believe you'll ever find yours? Maybe but people sometimes go threwout life and find no one and die alone, which maybe i will end up like that and have a few flings on the way =D
~Sex Stuff~
Missing section from Jules friend Leo o_o;
~Family Stuff~
104. How many siblings do you have? I have an younger brother who has an obsession for yelping like a dog to act cool o.o; I also have a half brother and he lives in Sydney somewhere which is a shame, i have not seen him for over 13 years though my dad talks to him now and then over the phone.
105. What are your parents names? Ralph and Cathy
106. What are your siblings names? Brother is david and half brother Matthew.
107. How many siblings does your mother have? My morhter has, like, 3 sisters and a brother.
108. How many siblings does your father have? one twin brother.
109. Where are your parents from? Australia
110. Is your family close? Well my family do not gather that much with my other, some of them live in america where i wanna go -tries to get over there- in England and down in New South Wales.
111. Does your family get together for holidays? Christmas sometimes i go but mostly stay home.
112. Do you have a drunk uncle? I dunno, proboly not.
113. Any medical problems run through your family? Hmm, i dunno really, i am sure there are medical problems.
114. Does someone in your family wear a toupee? XD No but my grandpa could use one.
115. Do you have any nieces or nephews? Nope. Thank god. Pain in the asses.
116. Are your parents divorced? No, wish they were.
117. Do you have step parents? Again,parents together.
118. Has your family ever disowned another member of your family? Nope but i disown then >.>;
119. If so for what? Nothing.
120. Did some of your family come to America from another country? No but my aunty ellane is american.
~Music Stuff~
~Okay, I Name An Artist And You Give Me A Lyric From Any One Of Their Songs~
o_o another section that seems to be missing... bummer
152. Color: Shades of blue and black.
153. Food: I dunno, chocolate but not allowed to eat it right now.
154. Song: Suteki Da Ne by one japanese woman o.o;
155. Show: I got a lot of favourite animes but show as in television... maybe The Price is Right =D
156. School subject: Not at school but liked Art and Art for Living, i got to draw a lot.
157. Band/singer: I do not have a favoutite.
158. Animal: Dog.
159. Outfit: Anything that i have bought
160. Radio station: B105
161. Movie: I do not have a favourite movie.
162. Pair of shoes: Do not have fanb pair of shoes either.
163. Cartoon: Spondgebob Squarepants! ( SANDY ROCKS! WOO! )
164. Actor: Chris Sabet , voices of Vegeta and Piccolo!
165. Actress: No idea.
166. Potato chip: Chicken O.o
167. Drink: Coka Cola or Peace Ice Tea.
168. Alcoholic drink: Do not drink.
169. Holiday: I usually go down to Sydney, or a l;ittlk away from there to Forester for the summer to go swimming and collect shells and such, stuff that Matt hates, you hater of water YOUR DISOWNED!
170. Perfume/cologne: Do not have one.
171. Pizza topping: Hawaiian or Meat Lovers thin based.
172. Jello flavor: Port Wine
173. Lunch meat: Chicken Loaf, nothing beats it or Cheese Salami.
174. Board game: Hmm, i like Guess Who? =D
175. Video game: RPGs
176. Website: Mine if cource dip shit.
177. Book: I do not read books!
178. Computer game: The Sims.
179. Number: 10 and 22
180. Cereal: If i do, Corn Flakes with Milk and strawberries or rice bubbles plain, they taste so good n.n;
181. Comedian: The Sandman!
182. Dessert: Apple Crumble (aprocot, plum and so forward)
183. Disney character: I hate them all, they are annoying.
184. Clothing store: Jay Jays, they have cargo pants!
186. Teacher: I hate the bunch of faggots, the only thing i liked was strikes!
187. Childhood toy: I had this.. train thing and it was in loops like a flower and the train went around, i recently saw it but it got donated to charity ;_; i wanted it.
188. Carnival game/ride: The thing that, you hit and it goes up measuring your strangh! i love that (i got 138) and i like fast rides also n.n;
189. Candy bar: Twix!
190. Magazine: The PS2 Ones.
191. Salad dressing: I hate salad!
192. Thing to do on the weekend: Sometimes net, going shopping with Jules or drawing and being alone, its the most nicest thing being alone, you think and no one bothers you at all.
193. Hot drink: Tea or hot chocolate
194. Season: Summer so i can go swimming -gets out her fake shark fin-
195. Sport to watch: The footy if i have to or the swimming like, jumping off the high boards.
196. Person to talk to online: Matt, he is roleplaying with someone.
~Your Bedroom/Sleeping Habits~
197. What color are your sheets? Green right now, usually changes on a regular basis.
198. What color are your bedroom walls? Sky blue.
199. Do you have posters on your wall? I got 2 dbz ones up next to my light so the wall looks pretty along with some tie dye stuff and some other shit i did at school.
200. If so of what? Above.
201. Do you have a tv in your bedroom? Small black one.
202. How many pillows are on your bed? One cause thats just how it goes peoples!
203. What do you normally sleep in? O.o; Thats not to be discusse2d, if i do, in summer, my summer night dress thing i wear.
204. Describe your favorite pair of pajamas: Light blue, sleaved slightly, up a little from the knees. ONe peice >_>;
205. What size bed do you have? Single bed, just got a new one now my feet do not touch the end XD as i am tall.
206. Do you have a waterbed/bunkbed/daybed? No
207. Do you have your own phone line in your bedroom? Nope, i got a mobile so its like ya own phone in your room.
208. Do you listen to music while trying to fall asleep? Sometimes, its when i am on holidays though.
209. Describe the last nightmare you had: Well, i was in a plane, flying along the sly, i was on the wing for some reason, hanging on for dear life and then i slipped and i fell, and i fell into my backyard and when i was about to hit, i got that, feeling of acually having a near death experiance when i woke, it was scary but i liked it =D
210. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? No, they are on my table.
211. How many people can comfortably sleep in your bed? I guess 2 unless i spead out =D
212. Do you sleep in any unusual positions? I usually get on one position, sleep and find i am sleeping another way the next morning.
213. Do you have to share your bedroom with a sibling? I used to with my brother but the rooms got renovated. So no.
214. Do you snore? Been told i do sometimes cause sometimes, i breath threw my mouth and thats why.
215. How about drool? No
216. Do you have an alarm clock in your room? Yes, i usually have my time on for 6:50, 10 minutes before Cheese TV comes on in the mornings.
217. What color is the carpet in your room? Wooden floor but mother and brother's room have cream carpet.
218. What's under your bed? Urr, paper and dust O.o;
~This or that~
220. Doughnuts/bagels: Doughnuts
221. Day/night: Night
222. Wicked witch of the east/wicked witch of the west: Neither, they are ugly.
223. Heaven/hell: Hell.
224. Make love/have sex: Make Love -.^
225. Coffee/tea: Tea
226. Hamburgers or Hotdogs? Hotdogs
227. Rap/rock: Either
228. Britney/Christina: Neither, they are both sluitty hos
229. Swiss cheese/american cheese: Swiss.
230. Real World/Road Rules: I dunno -shrugs-
231. Backstreet Boys/*Nsync: *Nsync
232. Silver/gold: Gold or Silver look good on me.
233. Nike/Adidas: Neither, i hate those brands.
234. McDonalds/Taco Bell: McDonalds.
235. Sweet/sour:Both.
236. Punk/emo: O.o? Eh?
237. Hot/cold: Warm
238. Winter/summer: Summer since its time for beach and all.
239. Spring/fall: Spring =D Start of the warm months.
240. Operas/plays: Plays
241. Read/watch TV: Watch TV
242. CD's/tapes: CDs
243. DVD's/VHS: Both
244. Old/new: Depends.
245. Shorts/skirts: Shorts
246. Pink/red: Red
247. Colored pictures/black and white photos: Colour, i wanna see what colours they wore and all.
248. Meat/vegetables: Meat
249. Mexican food/Chinese food: Chinese
250. Commercials/infomercials: Neither
251. Scary movies/comedies: Scary Movies.
252. Bikinis/one piece bathing suits: I have bikini like thing with boardshorts =D
253. Sandals/tennis shoes: Sandles.
254. Dogs/cats: Dogs
255. Unicorns/fairies: Neither.
256. Water/land: Water
257. Sugar/spice: Sugar
258. Black/white: Black
259. ribbons/bows: Neither, they look prissy.
260. Chicken/beef: CHICKEN!
261. Colored christmas lights/regular white christmas lights: Both
262. Cars/trucks: Cars
263. Austin Powers/James Bond: James Bond though he is a man whore.
264. Popcorn/pretzel: Popcorn
265. Hip/hop: O.o; Neither as i dunno what ya on about.
266. Passionate kiss/peck: Depends.
267. WWE wrestling/ real wrestling: WWF!
(missing question)
269. Picture frames/photo albums: Does not matter to me.
270. Pens/pencils: Pens as they colours are pretty
~What Is Your Opinion Of The Following~
271. Eminem: Ehh, he is ok
272. Virgins: Better then being hardcore sluts like people are these days.
273. God: Is someone who, when i have no one to speak to, speak to (blame my grandmother! EVIL ONE!)
274. The Osbournes: Are fucken funny!
275. Reality TV: The Great Race or whatever but you know, half of it is fake
276. J.Lo: His a big mofo whore.
277. Religion: Depends on the person if they are into that.
278. Emo music: Who?
279. Valentine's Day: My day as Jules says but to me, its time to show you care for someone deeply.
280. Christina Aguilera's comeback: No comment.
281. Homosexuals: To be honest, gay guys are better, i do not like girls who are gay, cause they try and crack onto me and i make them cry o_o;
282. Abortion: Depends in what sort of position you are in to consider something like that.
283. Inter-racial relationships: Depends who you love but there is nothing wrong with it.
284. Murder: Is something i want to try, rusty hooks, knives, nails, cracking open skulls to see their brains, the blood on the ground, the smell that makes you upchuck -nods-
285. Death: You can not run from death, we live, then die.
286. Obesity: Its up to the one who has the issue to do something about it.
287. Pre-marital sex: o_o Hmm, i do not care for the young generation, most have sex before they are 17 years old. Some wait for the right time.
288. Terrorism: I just do not understand how people can, slaughter innnocent life sometimes because they have an issue with one person, just go assinate them and its all good -shrugs-
289. Pornography: Is disgusting, just proves how low they have to go to get a wank.
290. Fortune tellers: Are bullshit.
292. Prostitution: Are those who have to sell their body for money and its fucken disgusting also
293. Politics: Hmm, they are all dumb fucks, they dunno what the public wants.
294. Country music: Is ok. Some of it is ok.
295. George W. Bush: The dumbass choked on a pretzal, what do you want me to think about him?
296. Cloning: Is a good idea. More food for me =D
297. Britney's boobs: I do not notice them though they seem to be slipping out of her shirt.
298. Gas prices in America: I dunno, but here they are too high
~Name Game~
What Do You Think Of When You Hear These Common Names?...
WHA?! grr this section is missing too
~Have You Ever....~
331. Mooned anyone? Been mooned yet not noomed anyone.
332. Been on a diet? On one right now.
333. Been to a foreign country? No but i would like to get to america to get a voice acting job and then go to japan to try and do animation.
334. Broken a bone? No but for my toe so nothing big.
335. Swallowed a tooth/cap/filling? No
336. Swear at a teacher? I have yet silently to myself
337. Talked to a LJ member via e-mails or instant messages? O.o
338. Got in a fight? Virbal not fighting in any case cause, though i threaten to smash people in, it does not happen, i do not have the balls o_o;
339. Dated a teacher? o_____o @ Jules and what she said for this after re-reading - Your fucken pathetic, he is married dumbass cunmbucket! But no, i would not date a teacher.
340. Laughed so hard you peed your pants? Nope >_>;
341. Thought about killing your enemy? Mmhmm, why not, i do.
342. Gone skinny dipping? o_o No
343. Met another LJ member in the flesh? Sorry to say, whats JL?
344. Told a little white lie? I do lie sometimes but just to save my ass.
345. Told a secret you swore not to tell? I do not tell secrets which need to be kept as a secret.
346. Stolen anything? Yes, when i was 12 I stole tic tacs o.o;
347. Misused a swear word and it sounded absolutely stupid? Yes, i said "Fuck the Shut up"
348. Been on TV? Yes well it was embarrising... you see, it was when i was like, hmm, 11 and welkl at the end, they had cake and it was some ABC (Channel 2) thing and well, when i went to get a bit and a plate, my hand dipped into the cake and i licked it off my finger and i held up my plate and slipped off, that was so embarrising to be honest v.v;
349. Been on the radio? No
350. Been in a mosh pit? Nope
351. Been to a concert? Nope o_o Boring arn't I?
352. Dated one of your best friends? No cause i have no feelings for friends here.
353. Loved someone so much it makes you cry? Not really but sometimes which is on my own.
354. Deceived somebody close to you? No but i got accused for something when Jules did it also so i said that and the girl kinda slipped off as Jules was taking her side so i showed her.
355. Broken the law? I am an alledged offender of not paying the right bus money once but no not really.
356. Been to a rodeo? I want to go. I wanna see some people getting trampled -grins-
357. Been on a talk show? No i wanna go to Jerry Springer though!
358. Been on a game show? No, not smart enough.
359. Been on an airplane? Yes ^.^ Went to Sydney to my aunty's place.
360. Got to ride on a firetruck? No, just seen.
361. Came close to dying? No but i have a consition which says i could die from it.
362. Cheated on a gf/bf? They seem to cheat on me so no i have not.
363. Gave someone a piggy back ride? XD yes my cousin Chris.
364. Terrorized a babysitter? Kinda, i used to runa round and get in trouble all the time, i was a very restless girl.
365. Made a mud pie? Yes with grass on top =D
366. Had a dream that you're falling off a cliff? No
367. Snuck out of the house at night? No not really, did kinda one right as the sun was fading into the distance and i was downstairs with a light on though waiting fo rmy mother to get home from work/
368. Been so drunk you don't remember your name? Do not drink so no
369. Had an eating disorder? nope thank god =D
370. Felt like you didn't belong? I always feel like that as people push me away and i feel upset cause of that.
371. Felt like the 5th wheel? I was the third whell when Dan was with Jules so I left them there.
372. Smoked? No, i would not try it knowing what it can do to your body
373. Done drugs? Same as before.
374. Been arrested? Nope.
375. Had your tonsils removed? No.
376. Gone to camp? No
377. Won a bet? Not really but my brother and i bet sometimes.
378. Written a love letter? No, not good that them.
379. Gone out of your way to be with the one you love? No
380. Written a love poem? No
381. Kissed in the rain? Nope
382. Slow danced with someone you love? No, the only dancing i did was with my cousin who is like, 30 or something now and his name was Craig.
383. Participated in cyber sex? o__o;; Why should I?
384. Faked an orgasm? >_>;; Virgin so no
385. Stolen a kiss? No
386. Asked a friend for relationship advice? Not really
387. Had a friend steal your gf/bf? No but i imagin if they were such great friends to me, they would not try and do that to hurt my feelings. I mean its one thing laughing at it on Jerry Springer its another to be that person.
388. Watched the sunset/rise with someone you love? No
389. Gotten a speeding ticket? No, do not drive.
390. Done jail time? No
391. Had to wear a uniform to work? Free dress the work i did as long as it was sensiable.
392. Won a trophy? Yes, i won, first place in tennis, second in tennis, and 23 second places for table tennis.
393. Thrown up in public? XD Jules did yes and i have also, year 5, Belmont and the middle of the classroom in my hands O.o;
394. Bowled a perfect game? No
395. Failed/got held back? Failed but never held back for it.
396. Got perfect attendance in grade school? I dunno, i faked sickness so no
397. Roasted pumpkin seeds? MMM, pumpkin seeds but no i have not.
398. Taken ballet lessons? No
399. Attempted suicide? No, never would try it.
400. Cut yourself? on purpose or by accident? Accident. Acually i grated my finger >_>; while grating lemon rind.
~Childhood Stuff~
Another missing section. *sigh* That blows.
425. Do you believe in aliens? I guess so, why not, after all, nothing wrong with beleaving.
426. Name three things that are next to your computer: Radio, Scanner, Floppy Disks
427. Do you have any hidden talents? Nope if i did, i dunno where they are.
428. Do you wish MTV would play music videos? Do not have Cable.
429. If you were to star in a movie, who would it be? I dunno, the pcycho killer ^_^;
430. What would your movie star name be? Nijuunigou or Mizu Ryu
432. What's the scariest movie you've ever seen? The only which gave me a slight fright was The Others when the door slammed and Resident Evil where the face of a dead guy was floating in the water which was yellow but it had zombie dogs! ^_^;
433. What is the best movie you've seen in the theater or rented recently? Dunno
434. What is the dumbest movie you've ever seen? Hmm, i can not remember movie title so ehh, bad plot,bad everything, worth forgetting.
435. Do you drive? No
436. What is your dream car? I am not interested in cars.
437. Do you think your good looking? I think i look pretty, people say i look cute so it says something with my overall appearance.
438. Do others think you are good looking? Answered that.
439. Would you ever sky dive? No, that is beyond my limitation
440. Do you believe in Bigfoot? No
441. How many rooms do you have in your house? 10
442. Are you afraid of roller coasters? No but i would like to go on one sometime which is faster then the kiddy version
443. Do you believe in God? I guess to an extent, i would not go full on beleave in him.
444. Do you believe in Satan? Hmm, maybe.
445. Do you believe there is a heaven? Jules got her line from a movie which is correct, its only of what you make it.
446. Do you believe there is a hell? Of cource, heavan there must be a firey hell of tourture.
447. Do you own a pool table? No
448. Do you have a pool? Yes saves me now from going to Chandler pool but at chandler i like the slide =D
449. Do you have a dishwasher in your kitchen? Yes, thank god.
450. Do you like chocolate? Yeah of cource dumbass.
451. Who/what is on your 2003 calendar? Right now for Septemper its Majin Vegeta
452. How many U.S. states have you been to? none o.o;
453. Ever wished on a shooting star? No cause i know it does not come true.
454. Best Halloween costume you ever wore? Australia we do not have halloween costume door to door candy things but going to Supanova as Maxwell, Duo Maxewell >_>;
455. Do you carry any weapons on you? Nope
456. What is your weakness? Pfft, i do not have many weaknesses.
457. Name something you can't get enough of: Myself =D
458. Describe yourself in 3 adjectives: Urr, see, if i list 3 and they might be other types cause, i never listened in school about nounds, pro-verbs, verbs and adjetives so i rather just keep to myself about that.
459. How many kids do you want to have? I dunno, maybe none at the end of the day since, no one is right for me -_-
460. Future daughters names: Hmm, maybe, Felicity or Marron
461. Future sons names: Umm, i dunno really, i would let my husband decide o.o;
462. What is your ideal way to die? Anyway but for being stabbed or burnt to death.
463. How do you release stress? I try and take it out on someone else who is in a good ass mood and break their hopes.
464. Are you a trendy person? I wear what i want, it does not matter trends to me.
465. Are you an artisitic person? I am yes
466. Are you a realistic person? To a sence yes
467. Do you un-tie your shoes every time you take them off? no, i just take them off without untieing them.
468. Are you a strong person? Yes =D
469. Are you a strong willed person? Usually.
470. Who is the last person to e-mail you? Someporn site who is trying to get me to sign up for shit.
471. Who is the last person to IM you? Matt
472. Do you hate chain e-mails? Yes
473. Are you a deep sleeper? I usually wake up once in the night.
474. Are you a good story teller? No o_o I scare the kiddies away
475. What do you believe is your best quality? How funny i can be and how outgoing i can be to do things with people though they do not want to.
476. What is your greatest accomplishment? Nothing really.
477. Do you like to burn candles or incense? Sometimes but i get a clogged up nose so i try not to.
478. Do you do yoga? NO!
479. Do you have your own credit card? Nope cause if you did you would be paying off credit card with credit card.
480. Let's say you win the lotto. Pay off familly and personal debts? I would give some to my mum and family, buy Jules something expencive and then go to america if i am not already there then to Disney Land in wherever country it is in the states.
481. Do you have a check book? No but i got a deposit book.
482. Do you like your driver's license? Do not have one so no worries =D
483. Do you tan easily? I tan slowly, i am light brown colour of skin.
484. What color is your hair naturally? Dark blonde, blonder in the sunlight.
485. How many fillings do you have? 4 but they are clear.
486. How many cavities did you have at your last dentist visit? None, i was all good
487. Worst feeling in the world? Being pushed aside and left out.
488. Best feeling in the world? Being accepted.
489. Is the glass half empty or half full? urr, i dunno, i consider it, if there is half, i drink it so there is none >=D
490. Last thing you downloaded? Downloaded The Sims Facelife thing yet it did not work so i wasted over 12 MB downbload.
491. Do you catch yourself using online terms in your real life? Not really, i use cumbucket a lot.
492. What do you think people think of you? I donot really care, if they hate me, up theirs.
493. Are you a likeable person? I can be likable, yet being on my own is nice.
494. Do you need therapy? >_>;; I duno you tell me.
495. Do you take medication for a chemical imbalance? Nope
496. What the best way to be proposed to? Somewhere nice, not on a garbage heap please! that would be bad, very bad!
497. What kind of movie would you star in? Kinda already been asked but urr, Scary movie.
498. If Fed Ex and UPS were to merge, would they call it Fed UP? o_o;; No comment.
499. When are you moving? in 10 for dinner
500. What's your favorite phrase? Hmm, i dunno, i have a lot Big Whore for Big W here in Australia.