Feb 20, 2015 08:17

I have said goodbye and have run away from this blog so many times but somehow I always manage to comeback!


I know no on is interested in my lifejournal anymore but I feel like I want to come back just for this one post. Lately, I have decided to get my collection of Arashi videos back on track. I used to have all the PVs for every Arashi video but with time I have lost them. I don't know why it is a big interest to me to have them but I would love to have them in my computer again. Does anyone know where I can download them from?

On another note, 2015 is a new year and with new years people like to make resolutions that they will not complete. I have a couple of my own but one that I am sure to complete is the one of coming back to this place I had left behind. I mainly want to comeback because Tumblr is boring me. Also with time I am growing fond of blogging even though I definately will not be doing it often.

What has happened since I have been gone? A lot. I am no longer the naive young 16 year old who used to write fanfiction about her favourite group, Arashi. I am also not the young girl who left this place to move to Tumblr and begin to reblog her favorite idols. No, I am a young woman who works full time and feels like she has no more time for reblogging the pics of her idols. Ever since I started work and separating myself from the 'fan-girl' side of me I have been having a hard time finding reasons to come back into this world.

When I was in the world of fan-girling I was the kind to critisize peope I didn't like and songs I didn't like. Now my own character has developed and I no longer do so without knowing what I am talking about. Of cours, there is time that I let a bad comment about someone slip out of my mouth but those times I end up regretting it almost instantly. I no longer feel the need to give negative energy about the songs other people like that I do not. I may say I hate it but at that point I am being honest.

About my job... It is not something I like doing. Dealing with people over the phone who yell at you because of something that is out of your control is not the least stressing job but in the country I live in it is a good paying work. I never cared about FedEx and shipping. All I knew was that it was quiet expensive in my country. Now I work dealing with FedEx customers over the phone and I can tell you that you may thing FedEx is the bad guy but they're not. If a package gets lost, believe me that based on various variables if it is FedEx fault you will get your money back. But if you want full refund of your shipment, declare a value for it. Also, the weather is out of FedEx control and sometimes FedEx Express will have a delay of 2-3 days due to it. Don't expect customer service to listen to how important it is if we cannot do anything about it. Unless of course it is a medical emergency because we don't want people dying.

Well, that is it for today... Hope we meet again soon!

blog, random shit, writing, unimportant

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