And yet ANOTHER completed PreReleas!!

Jan 22, 2006 18:24

And so the weekend comes to a tiring ending...

It all began on Friday, as I awoke from my bed, and realize "It's prerelease time!" and then the instincts kicked in. The instinct to GAME! And it went down hill from there. Hahahah!!! I rushed to shower, shave and do laundry, and made it ALL in the nick of time! We caught all out busses RIGHT on time! haha!! We arrived in TO and went down to 401 Games on Yonge street, and there, we shopped a bit.

I traded in my Foiled Birds of Paradise, for around 35$, which was a lower then I had hoped price, but good none the less. I have no use for a FOILED one. So I sold it, and I also sold off one of my Spark Dual Lands, and my Tendo. So that was about 1/2 a box of cards. So...I BOUGHT ANOTHER!! hahahhah!!! Also got some more sleeves and another deck box. :D

So we headed home to Seans, and then we went out with Richard. We went and watched Underworld Evolution and then went to Boston Pizza and ate some food. I also drank some beer, and had a nice buzz going for me! LOL!! So that was nice. We headed home, and crashed around 11:30 - 12:00 at most. We were up at like 5:30 - 5:45 am!! OH SHITS I SAY!! So we got to the tourny at 6:30 am, and signed up, and we were in Flight #2. TOok a bit to get it started, but we got on our way!! So overall, I played in 3 flights, and in EACH flight I did alright (except the LAST one) I didn't win anything, sadly, but I had a blast, and learnt a bit more.

So, playing was great, but I'm also getting BETTER at trading. ;) Oh hell yeah!! I got 2 fucking Kokusho!! Fucking 20$ card each. Moua ha ha ha!! I roxed!! Traded alot for em', but GOT EM'!!! And now Sean will FEAR THEM!! hahah!! So sean got his big Dragon fro GuildPact he wanted. I tried to get one as well, but didn't bother trying TOO hard since we have 4 boxes and 2 fat packs, so we're bound to get some good shit from that!! Moua ha ha ha ha!! Is it just me, or do people seem "surprised" when me and Sean tell them between us, we bought 13 boxes of Ravnica, and in the past 2 weeks, I bought 5 or 6 boxes of cards to myself. hahah!! I get a kick out of it.

So yeah, the weekend draws to a close, and back to the working scheme. I'm not doing anything for my NEXT 2 weekends, because I'm going to Stacey's after, so I don't want to do much. Also, I've decided something over the weekend. I've spent ALOT on myself and my cards in the past several months, and it's time I did something for someone. So, the first person I picked, Stacey, is who I will be doing something for. And I've decided WHAT I'm going to do. Stacey is going to move here in a few months, after she's done school and her co-op. So, she's gonna need a computer!! So, I'll build her one. She likes to play WoW with me, so I'll need to build a STRONG enough machine, and she's not like me, who has a BILLION computer things laying around, so I'll have to buy the rest.


2.0+ Ghz (Pentium or AMD)
1 Gig of RAM
256 MB ATI Video card (Probly a X800 - X850 series)
100 Gig HD (I need a new one too!!)
DVD Burner.

17 - 19" CRT
Good Keyboard and mouse set.
MAYBE 5.1 speakers (probly 2.1's or 4 speaker set)

So that's what I'm looking at. Gonna be a bit pricy, BUT it can be done by saving a few hundred off EACH pay cheque. *sighs* ALSO going to have to start putting money away for College fund AND retirement. *sighs* Man, planning ahead SUCKS! Oh well. Gotta do what I need to do to make it in the futur. I think I'll wait till I get my small raise in a few months, and IF i can sneak on up in a promotion. Other then that, I'm doing pretty great at work. Keeping great scores in my Q/A stuff and my tech is till top notch, however, apparently my notes STILL need work! Damnit!! *sighs* Whatever!!

Other then the norm life here in Waterloo, which I still find lively and enjoyable for my tastes, things are pretty peachy. Me and Stacey are still very much happy together. It's a bit rough now that we're closer emotionally, but still so far away. That will change though soon eonugh, and we'll be living MUCH closer. Maybe not together right away, as we already talked about, however, she'll be MUCH closer then Ottawa!! I can handle her living in Kitchener! ;) YAY!! Other then that, we spent Christmas (or close to it) and New Years, which in total was two weeks!! GREAT time!! Was SOOOO happy then!! When she had to go at the end of both weeks, I was devasted inside. Still, because we love each other so much, we're both strong no matter what!!

Well, I could say SOOO much more, but I think I'm done for now. So..

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