How many times did you drop that? Twice....oops that was three.

Dec 19, 2004 00:56

Hey, I'm back for my random post I make every once in awhile. Let's see what's new... I'm about to go to Inverness for a few days to visit my father and stepmother and of course my little sister. Headvice just played a show in Tarpon Springs, we all had a really fun time.

The individual who scheduels at my work does not know how to read requested days off and there has been multiple instances that I have requested off and didn't get them. I took off about a month ago for the Friday that just passed because the show and she schedueled me. So any time this happens, I have to go through the stress of finding someone to cover my shift because it's not possible for me to work (thus the reason I request off) but thank God I work with a bunch of very good people and they are always willing to help me out, aside from managers.

Other than that Aly's schin-dig is tomorrow and Mr. Luke is comming down to visit then we are going to car pool back up to i-town. Hopefully we'll do some LizzleBrizzleFizzle.

Speaking of which, lastbreathfirst played a show resently (SF3, props to the EK much love), which was very very fun. Other than the fact that it was at a house and we probably had 10 people watching us. But it was a very fun time and we played our asses off, it was by far one of the best shows I have ever played with any band, which is strange due to the lack of people.

Talked to a certain someone today for a very lenghty time tonight after work. I'm hoping I do actually care rather than my recent attempts and they just seem to be challanges that once won are no longer attractive to me.

I got kicked in the ribs at a show about 2 weeks ago and they still hurt like shit. I have yet to go see a doctor about them, but I'm thinking I should. Because it hurts to breath and move, so I think it may be bad news or just my imagenation (or both?)

Also, which is probably the best part of the post. My friend JK47 is offically off grounding as of today. Thank God, that has been a long... uhh.. how ever long is was. Weeks?

Exams went decent expect for my intential failure in math class due to me being stubborn and a dick. Also applied for Bright Futures which I hope goes through and works out and everything. A lot of my friends are graduating early and it sucks, but life is life is life is life. Uh, reply if you actually red this shit and possibly I'll make more? Who knows.

God Bless,
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