Jul 13, 2005 22:04
So here is the scenerio:
I am putting together one of those cheap pieces of shit do it yourself shelving units tonight. I am doing it in the living room. We all know how much fun these stupid things are. I have the screw gun handy of course. I get to a part where you have to put these wooden dowels in "Hole A" etc, etc. Well of course the dowels don't fit for shit. So instead of taking my fat ass all the way down to the basement to get a hammer, I pick up this hunk of rock from the window sill (We have lots of rocks, feathers, odd pieces of wood, etc. around the place) and smack the dowel into place. After I am all done I clean up and in putting the rock back, a thought hits me.
The piece of rock happens to be a piece of flint. Hmmm. Damn after a 100,000 years here I am using the same tool my ancestors did. I guess some things never change.
And besides the shelf,the rock kept chipping...so I got an arrow head out of the deal too.