Aug 28, 2005 22:00
im gonna start writing in this again i think ... we shall see if i keep up with it soo of course summer starts to get really good towards the end fuckers. it sucks. so i met up with this kid anthony with his friend brian down south street, and danielle came along. i already liked him from before cause well i have been talking to him since about may or somethign nd we finally han gout like 2 weeks ago.. hmm. well yeah i think he is really cute but iunno if its the same for him.. we shall se i guess.
so last night was rather amusing nd fun as anything nd i would so do it again...
well pretty much danielle and i went down to brians house, after about 5hours of us plotting how we can get her to stayover someones house. nd it finally worked, so we go down there. anthony, kelly, john, brian, me nd danielle are there. hmm interetsing verry interetsing ooh nd this kid jeff was there for awhile. it was fun nd i got a bit tipsy if u would i was dizzy as anything. hmmm anyway then brian danielle anthony nd i took some pictures muhaha. nd then it was bed time. ahh <33 so me nd anthony are just laying there talking somewhat. i seriosuly liek this kid uggh nd i dont know what to do, wait it out nd see if anythign actually happens or me bringing it up to him, hmmm. i dunno yet ill have to think about it. soo yeah there was alot of shit goin on there but yeah nd then people kept on coming in? yeaaah, nd brina sang us a song, it was beautiful. i kept the fucker upp until 6 lol well not really we kept eachother upp we couldnt sleep. then we finally do nd i have him blowing in my ear haha thats was cute, nd him moaning in his sleep. hmm hahaha so then we kept waking nd fallign asleep for liek 10mins. hmm it was fun though. the shit that comes out of that kids mouth, haha. o myyy. i love em. hmm then john tok me nd danielle home at like 1030ish. hmm yea. i woudl so do it agian.