I've been craving Doritos the last three days. And now I want Doritos and Indian food. I had a dream about saag paneer. (Also Pretty Cunning Doncha Think hats, and Peru, and having to sneak Dumbledore out of my garage by wrapping him in a tarp.) But. Curry. With lentils. And rice. And naan. And paneeeeeeeeer. ;_;
Four Things meme to distract myself.
Four jobs I’ve had:
01) Child-herder (largely against my will)
02) Research assistant, part I (I counted seeds)
03) Survey assistant (I measured people)
04) Research assistant, part II (I have, thus far, grammar nazi'd papers, and reorganised and catalogued an herbarium.)
Four movies I can watch over and over:
01) Moulin Rouge
02) Lilo & Stitch
03) RENT
04) High Fidelity
Four places I have lived:
01) Loveland, Colorado
02) Corvallis, Oregon
03) Mapusaga, Craphole Island
04) Berthoud, Colorado
Four TV shows I love:
01) House
02) Lost
03) Jeeves & Wooster
04) MASH
Four places I’ve vacationed:
01) Marble, Colorado
02) Ixtapa and Zihuatanejo, Mexico
03) Munich, Germany
04) Baa Habaa, Maine
Four of my favorite dishes:
01) Enchiladas OF DOOM
02) saag paneer with long-grain rice and naan. MMM OMNOMNOMNOMNOM.
03) fresh baked acorn squash with butter and nutmeg
04) ministrone soup with warm whole grain bread and sweet butter MMM OMNOMNOMNOMNOM. (god, i want good food so bad.)
Four sites I visit daily:
01) Livejournal
02) Gmail
03) Google
04) uh.
Four places I would rather be right now:
01) Evergreen Indian restaurant (Clearly, this is working well. :P )
02) Bed.
04) Um, under the sea, in un jardin del pulpo en el sombre? :D?
Barg. When did it get this late? I need to go home. >_<