[ SO AMIDST ALL THIS HALLOWEEN MADNESS what did Japan turn into?? Weeeelll anyone in Discedo will find her wandering around holding a huge broom and wearing
a black dress and matching hat... except unlike what the picture indicates. it's basically an oversized version and is way too big on her-- heck, the end of her dress reaches the floor when she walks and she has to roll up her sleeves because of their sheer length- because she's a shorty... oh, but her hat is too big on her too, meaning it constantly covers her eyes and she has to lift it to see. For the record, it actually looks kind of ridiculously cute on her. She also has a very interesting companion as you will find out at the end of this post... but anyway, she will sometime during the day appear on the feed with a video post, lifting the front part of her hat as the camera turns on to show her looking at the communicator, a little blankly and a little unsure. ]
So it seems that the Scientists decided to celebrate as well... I was surprised when the decorations appeared, but to think they'd go this far... it seems this has affected many others besides myself. I would not mind normally, but the fact that the costumes aren't removable is a bit... [ lifts up her sleeves. her sleeves that are about twice the length of her arms. ] ...It's a bit inconvenient... this costume isn't very comfortable, and this hat is-- [ which slides in to cover her eyes yet again at this very moment. a brief awkward, embarrassed pause before she lifts it up again. ] T-that aside, I've been having some strange... urges. Such as suddenly-- AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!-- cackling loudly. Like that. Ah, and making potions out of human eyes and various body parts of other living things. [ she sounds... incredibly relaxed and calm and even sort of deadpan and rather unperturbed by everything.... ] This is most likely a side-effect of sorts, but--
[ ...And then a tentacle monster will appear on the screen. No, really. A very small one. Smaller than Japan herself, even. It only reaches up to her knees and actually... no matter how you look at it, appears incredibly harmless in every way. Even though it's not exactly-- oh, wait, is she petting it... yes, she did just kneel down and give it.. a pat on the head... ]
Everyone, I would like to introduce you to someone. This is Minoru-kun, my familiar. Please treat him kindly. [ n_n ]