Angela’s Ramble Part 165: I PASSED ♥

Dec 21, 2009 18:22


I passed the Highway Code computer test ♥ 46/50.

yoohoo <3


I’ve been dreaming of Heechul lately. I dreamt that I was passing by a newspaper stall and half the magazines there had Heechul on the cover! XDDDD *DIES*

I met with my friends in Penang yesterday :) I had fun! We ate at Sushi King, caught up with our lives and and and laughed our hearts out xDD

Yummy food; but left empty-handed, wallet abused to the maximum xD

THEN OMG T-chan said there were these guys-as we stepped on to the elevator-who were checking me out.

Me. Being checked out.




Fine, maybe I noticed one or two of them looking at me with a smirk (eew-but i wouldn’t mind if they were incredibly handsome like omfg idk-yunho &jaejoong&changmin&junsu&yoochun&kyuhyun&siwon&heechul&hangeng&donghae&zhoumi&ryeowook&sungmin? XD)

But seriously. No.fucking.way. D;

They must be blind.

Yeah, they probably were.

Something must have flown into their eyes and they inwardly screamed AAAAHHHHH MY EYE!!!! and then looked at me with a smirk.

Didn’t make sense, I know XD

That’s the point :P

Anyway. Yeah. We went to starbucks yesterday too. Mocha Frappucino; Venti. T-chan and I shared :3

And we took pics! :D

Crazy ass pictures. (omg dont get me wrong; no asses included XD)

I’ll do my assignment laterrr.

I want to write my story D; I feel so deprived. seriously. o.o

I’ll see you guys later. Ciao ♥♥♥

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