Angela's Ramble Part 162:

Dec 15, 2009 19:18

Meow~ <3

I have changed my YunJae fanfic community's layout <3 it's really pretty now~

-->>kanarazu_kiss kanarazu_kiss kanarazu_kiss kanarazu_kiss kanarazu_kiss kanarazu_kiss
kanarazu_kiss kanarazu_kiss kanarazu_kiss kanarazu_kiss kanarazu_kiss kanarazu_kiss

So anyway.
I'm motivated to write more <3 And I've finally finished one fanfic--ever since I started writing lol. I still haven't finished my Akame fanfic though. Chapter 10 is in the process.. but I doubt anyone ever reads them anymore so no one really cares. XD

People in my f-list are sometimes YunJae fangirls so um..they might care more if I say talk about my Yunjae fanfic... right? xD

*kicks self* What am I saying?

I've been searching for DBSK videos on youtube just so I can always keep the faith. I mean, I do.. but then I get more confidence if I stand by them and keep them near me.

Oh and since Kim Jaejoong is acquainted with Kim Heechul--and since this Kim Heechul person is similarly dorky & vain &feminine-like, I've started to watch videos of epic fail Kim Heechul. -DIES-

Siwon would be the death of me.

And Kyuhyun.

Ryeowook is just adorable; I want to pinch his cheeks so much <3

Hankyung ♥ Love his ink hair. it's charming. -died watching Super Girl-

Donghae--WHO CAN FORGET THIS BOY <3 He's one dork too. He talked about Siwon's behaviour at a talk show called Come To Play. -DIES- Siwon is such epic fail. Why am I talking about Siwon now when it's supposed to be Donghae?
--extra: Donghae's hands=minus. Similar to Yunho constantly losing things, Donghae breaks things. Like Ryeowook's laptop which had the piano program for composing music. *rofl*

OH. And Yesung looks like my dongsaeng(is he really older than meh?) back in high school. *shakes head with a smile*

Shindong XDDDD Cute cute cute boy <3

Eunhyuk~~ The awesomest dancer besides Donghae ♥ -dies- Playboy aura P:

Kibum seriously reminds me of someone. His cute chinky eyes when he smiles really remind me of someone--but I just can't remember D; He's adorable <3 (SUPER JUNIOR FULL HOUSE OMFG HEECHUL WAS EPIC FAIL THERE AND THIS KIBUM BOY IS EPIC WIN IN ENGLISH XD FAIL FAIL FAIL HEECHUL 8D)

I just realised that I haven't talked about Heechul despite the fact that he's my favourite among them.

5 Things about Kim Heechul that should be carved in your coiled brain.
1. Kissing Monster
2. Vain
3. Awesomefail voice
4. Feminine <3
5. Dork.

They're compliments, mind you. I will never ever bish about this man. He's pure win--in fail. XD

Um. I have yet to talk about the rest of the members when I know more about them <3

UMMMMMM. I'm hungry. See you all laters. <3


p.s. Thunder is rumbling. You got the wrong number. I don't make sense, do i? xD

author: rambles

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