May 21, 2008 17:33
the secret can only do so much
i tried fighting it since monday--to no avail
im tired. the kind of tired where in i can literally see a clog in my brain, preventing me from flushing out any more ideas (the task of simply layouting the sheets on keynote leaves my mind blank)
some signs that i am tired:
1. i talked to my officemates about my too-real and too-weird family life
2. i'm talking about japan (usually kept in check when interacting with anyone outside the circle of trust)
3. i'm talking japanese, thinking people understand
and i have used a lot of figures of speech in my quest to describe in my morbid state:
"kung baga sa kotse, my speed is 5 kph on EDSA"
and have questioned my brain's capacity:
"if our brains are storage spaces, i wonder how big mine is. if our brains are RAMs, i wonder how fast mine is."
to which jenny replied: storage space, siguradong malaki. ang speed ang bumabagal
if only our brains can be:
1. defragmented
2. upgraded
when all the craziness ends, i will post a detailed schedule of what my life has become since getting employed