Комикс и шутки на английском с переводом слов

Jan 18, 2018 08:01

Вот так... Сделайте глубокий вдох, закройте глаза и представьте, как избавляетесь от материальных благ.

Второй анекдот - огонь, советую почитать.)

Panhandler: Can you spare a dollar for a piece of cake?
Passer-by: Most people ask for bread.
Panhandler: Today is my birthday.

※Panhandler 物乞い - попрошайка

A man was arrested for stealing a copy of Women's Wear Daily from
a newsstand in New York City.
“I had to do it,”he explained to the police. “You see, I'm a
pickpocket,and I have to know where the pockets are going to be
in next year's clothes.”

※pickpocket  すり - вор-карманник

“Why so miserable?”asked a friend as Tom sat in the pub
drowning his sorrows.
“I had a big argument with my mother-in-law,” replied Tom,
“and she vowed not to speak to me for a month.”
“That's no reason to be miserable. You should be celebrating
your good luck.”
“Good luck, nothing. That was four weeks ago - today's the
last day!”

※drowning his sorrows 悲しみに暮れている - утопить печаль в вине
※mother-in-law - тёща

My grandmother is pretty good at history. That's because she was
there when most of it happened.

Q: How do you make an octopus laugh?
A: Give him eight tickles.

Q: What do a mouse and a wheel have in common?
A: They both squeak.

Q: Where do hogs keep their money?
A: In piggy banks.

※tickles くすぐること - щекотка
※squeak 「キーキーと音を立てる」と「チューチュー鳴く」の意味がある - пищать и скрипеть
※hogs ブタ - свинья, кабан
piggy bank - свинья-копилка

Вчера показывала обед в традиционном японском кафе в Киото.

шутки, английский

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