Вчера мы говорили про идиому close but no cigar, а сегодня рассмотрим другую: often a bridesmaid, never a bride.
Дословный перевод вынесен в заголовок: часто бывает подружкой невесты, но никогда - невестой.
Значение: "вечный претендент", в чём-то перекликается с прошлой идиомой.
Этим высказыванием обозначают женщин, которые не могут найти любовь.
Эта жемчужина среди идиом впервые была записана в мелодии викторианского мюзик-холла “Why Am I Always A Bridesmaid?”, автор Fred W. Leigh. Однако фраза стала невероятно популярной после появления забавной рекламы жидкости для полоскания рта "Листерин" в 1924. Слоган “Often a bridesmaid, but never a bride” сопровождался фотографией несчастной девушки, которая никак не могла найти любовь из-за дурного запаха изо рта. Решение: покупка "Листерина" в больших объёмах.
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(Charles Collins / Fred W Leigh 1917)
Why am I dressed in these beautiful clothes?
What is the matter with me?
I've been the bridesmaid for twenty two brides,
This time'll make twenty three.
Twenty two ladies I've helped off the shelf,
No doubt it seems a bit strange,
Being the bridesmaid is no good to me,
And I think I could do with a change.
Why am I always the bridesmaid,
Never the blushing bride?
Ding dong! wedding bells
Only ring for other gels,
But some fine day,
Oh, let it be soon,
I shall wake up in the morning
On my own honeymoon.
Twenty two times have I gone to the church,
Followed the bride up the aisle,
Twenty two ladies have answered "I will",
Meaning "I won't" all the while.
Twenty two couples I've seen go away,
Just him and her on their own,
Twenty two times I have wished it was me,
And gone back home to mother alone.
Why am I always the bridesmaid,
Never the blushing bride?
Ding dong! wedding bells
Only ring for other gels,
But some fine day,
Oh, let it be soon,
I shall wake up in the morning
On my own honeymoon.
I had a good chance a week or two back,
Took my young man home to tea,
Mother got playful and have him a pinch,
Pinched my "financy" from me.
Being a widow she knew what to do,
No use for me to complain,
When they got married today, if you please,
I was only the bridesmaid again.
Why am I always the bridesmaid,
Never the blushing bride?
Ding dong! wedding bells
Only ring for other gels,
But some fine day,
Oh, let it be soon,
I shall wake up in the morning
On my own honeymoon.
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