In Silly Minor Accomplishment World

Aug 02, 2008 17:17

I branched out beyond my normal one or two stalls at the farmers market today. Normally, I only stick to one row of booths near the 45th street sie because all the booths and all the people (and all the wonderful things for Pepper to pick up off the ground) makes a bit of a headache to do on my own.

But I decided I wanted to buy some meat-like substance, since I was all out. I wasn't sure how I'd find what I wanted, then realized that I have my personal meat-seeking device, in the form of one canis familiaris Capsicum.

So I pointed her in a likely seeming direction, and she led me straight to where I heard someone talking about sausage and pat`e. I waited my turn to ask what else they had (hoping there would be things I could eat. Beef frequently makes me ill, and pork occasionally does, so I avoid both.) They had both lamb chops and chickens. Because I've never tried to cook lamb, I opted for a small chicken. Meanwhile, Pepper had her nose buried in the bin of raw wool in front of her.

I came home and cut my prize into smaller portions (easier to cook for a small meal for myself.) There were a few squicky moments as I tried to figure out where to cut to remove the legs and wings, and was reminded both of biology dissection class, and of all the times I'd examined various pets by touch, learning the configuration of bone and muscle for no such violent purpose.*

I did an okay job of it, and wrapped the pieces in plastic and put them in the freezer.

I will figure out how to cook them later. But the nice thing about trying things like this at home is that there's nobody around to ask whether I realize that big knives are sharp! (This one cut through bones fairly easily. <snark> Somebody call the authorities! I should probably not be handling such things!)

* For health reasons, it is impractical for me to be a vegetarian. I do much better with meat-based proteins in my diet. I try to be a moderate and consciencious carnivore.
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