Mar 22, 2004 22:56
I'm sure I'm not the first or only person to come to this realization, but hear me out.
Sitting outside on my smoke break at work tonight, I was watching the cars drive by on the Highway. In the distance I could make the out glow of the everpresent "mini-malls" of America. A shout erupted from the road as a randomite searching for entertainment decided it would be funny to hang his head out of a moving vehicle and yell. It was about that time that it hit me. I took another look around at the marvels of our civilization, our perfectly lined trees, Quick Lube joints, Pizza Shops, and 24 hour laundromats. It made me feel like I was out of place. As I looked at these I realized I don't want it. I don't want the complex world that we live in today, it destroys us. We wake up and go to work, so we can pay the bills, bills for not only food clothing and shelter, but all kinds of other bullshit. What do we need it all for? We are materialistic packrats who strive for nothing. 'E' mentioned something about living in the woods to me the other day, and I've always had a thought stored away in my mind of following in Thoreau's footsteps and living isolated from the civilized world. Before it had always been on the back burner, but now.. Now I want to make it happen. The current state of society I do not agree with, but I do not want to fight it, the majority of the people are little more than cattle, they do their part, and they die or are slaughtered for others. I don't want anything to do with it. To hell with it all. I don't know how or where I'm going to live, but I'd like to have some control of my life and the things I do. I do not belong in this era of Civilization.