Jan 27, 2003 04:33
I'm new at this whole mom thing, but one thing's for sure, I would give my left arm to be able to sleep like I did even when I was pregnant, which I wasn't so thrilled with at the time. My child has not slept in the last 8 hours. I am damned tired, but cannot go to sleep because Zoe is up, crying. Obviously something is wrong, but what? She won't eat or take a pacifier, her diaper is dry, she's not too hot or cold, her nasal passages are clear, she doesn't have a temperature, she won't burp... all she'll do is cry. I am currently at my wits end and have decided to just let her cry herself to sleep because there is absolutely nothing more I can do for her at this point. I have a terrible headache and am holding a crying baby not 10 inches from my ear... if THIS isn't heaven, I don't know what is.