Who: OU!Mello (
mellodramatix) and OU!Near (
What: Mello and Near come together to compare the results of their separate investigations. Also, Mello has decided to bring starving Near a treat that may or may not be a horrible mess. More horrible mess to come once Mello finds out Near got his lock picked open?
Where: Near´s Room, 314.
Warning: Intense loathing. Intellectual schlongbattling. No idea. XD
Since this was going to be a big night (his big night, no less), Mello had decided to put on a show.
His step was confident as he marched towards Near´s quarters, balancing two plates with something that was supposed to be makeshift Fettucini Alfredo, but probably bore more resemblance to maccharoni and cheese. In the end, the only way to resist poisoning Near´s food had been to make a plate for himself. And the conviction that killing his rival would be lame; a conviction, though, that was currently tested. A lot.
Looking back, he wondered why Near had dared to eat anything that Mello had brought him, ever. Perhaps he´d ask him. Perhaps.
Putting it all down in front of him to reach for Near´s room key, which he wore around his neck ever since his crucifix had been taken, Mello realized how ridiculous he was being ... locking him in, what a primitive, low form of power. He felt like a warden more than anything else, and Mello didn´t sympathize with prison personnel, for obvious reasons.
But then, he remembered the photo, and he could feel a familiar notion of anger warming him up again.
"It´s me," He growled, no emotion whatsoever in his voice, "I´m opening ... up ..." Mello fell silent and stared at the lock. Something was wrong. No, not something. It was obvious. It was obvious what was wrong with this lock.
Fucking Near.
A second later, the door burst open, kicked with force by a leather-booted foot.