Ok now that im off my Sedatives fully and not blabbering nonsense

Jan 29, 2009 16:49

ok now that im not trying to fall asleep anymore and my typing is more legible than a drunk trying to type. Anyway the results were that my stomach looked irritated, but nothing that would 'cause my pain...so i have a Ultra Sound schedualed for Wednesday at 1pm back at his clinic.

I got my endoscopy done finally. I was a little nervous, but it went ok. From what I remember, i actually started having an allergic reaction to one of the sedatives....im not sure if it was the first one or the one with amnesia in it, but i remember i started to cough really violently and i tried to stop, and from what i remember the nurse saying my face turned deep red. So they gave me some benedryl and i remember Dr. Beggs telling me it was an allergic reaction and then i was out.

When it was over i remember my mom trying to wake me up, my mom kept saying "C'mon Mekala we gotta go, wake up." and when i got somewhat awak and sat up i think i like kept leaning forward because my brain was all crazy weird, and i guess my balance was really off like an extremely plastered person. When i tried to stand i think i almost fell forward or something, I do remember my mom and the nurse both helping me up and then the nurse helped me walk outside... i think i said something along the lines of "i feel like a baby trying to learn how to walk". Oh and i forgot to mention that my mom kept like sticking a straw in my mouth that was in a sprite can, i think that's why i was still lying down because i thought it was the procedure still going on. Im really glad she got me a sprite, because the last time i was knocked out with anesthesia i barfed all my stomach bile up. :c not a pleasant thing.

The drive home is very sketchy because of the amnesia, i only remember bits and pieces of the drive home, it seems really surreal now that im trying to remember it....it was weird. I remember burger king and wanting chicken fries, and my mom was like those are greasy(because your not to have really greasy food or any spicy foods for your first meal) and then i said chicken tenders and then i slept?

When we got home mom helped me inside and then she went over to the couch(still helping me out while carrying the food and my sprite i think) and my older brother was layed out on the couch like a beached whale(i know that's mean, but srsly if you knew him you'd say the same). Anyway my mom was handing him a burger while arguing to him that i needed the couch because i had been sedated and he was all "no im lying here!"(he's 24....and extremely immature) I was also backing up because my balance was off so i like leaned back and started stumbling backwards. i told my mom i wanna lie down on my bed so she handed my the bag with my food and ketchup in it and my sprite and i like stumbled and bumped into the walls alot down the hall....XD

I sat in my room and i srsly think this would be the funniest thing to watch. Someone trying to do a very simple task with extremely horrible motor skills. I probably looked retarded or something trying to open the ketchup packets while putting them on the bag that the nuggets were in and then dipping the chicken tenders into the ketchup while smacking because of said sedatives.

I know i called Kail about this time to tell him what went on because he wanted to know....i remember telling him about the allergic reaction the next appointment and i remember saying he sounds indifferent and i do remember his voice was very low and what not...but it's because he had just woken up.....or i woke him up? Im not sure if i appologized because i usually do when i wake him. I know i just rambled and slurred at him too. When i hung up i tossed my trash into the trash can like a basket ball and failed. Then i got up and stumbled down the halls, bumping into the walls so i would at least have something to keep me upright and so i wouldn't hit the solid concrete floors in our house(we still haven't done the flooring yet). I pulled out the Russian Monster Java i pulled out the night before and set it on the arm rest on my bed(my bed is a futon) and laid down and passed out.

Before i passed out my mom had to go back to work and she told my little brother to check up on me and what not. Since i was so out of it and passed out my older brother had to stay at the house and watch my little brother. My little brother has his moments where he's a rotten spoiled little brat, but when he's like this sweet and helpful kid i love him. He checked on me several times waking me up asking how i was doing(he's 10 years old btw) at some point i just woke up and ignored him and fell back asleep.

I have a class tonight at 7, but i can't drive around for 24 hrs so my mom is taking me and then im gonna get a ride home with my friend April who is in the class with me, thank goodness XD. I just have to hope she shows up, but if not i can get my mom to get me....or dad. whichever of the two. Im still a little out of it because of the sedatives so im trying to get my motor skills all straightened out before class tonight.

im not gonna work on anything, imma take everything in baby steps today so no drawing or whatever.

endoscopy, stomach

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